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Lead2Amazon.com (Customizable Search-Output System for Amazon.com)

Lead2Amazon is Amazon search-output system based on PA-API5.
Lead2Amazon search goods in Amazon with web browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox etc.
With Internet Explorer 11, functions and displays of Lead2Amazon don't work properly.

Strengths and Functions of Lead2Amazon on October 2021 are as follows:

  • Various search settings such as product category and sorting, and recording the settings by URL (Search Settings, List Display)
  • Simple and informative display of results including carousel display of multiple product images
  • Responsive web design that automatically adapts to PC, tablet, and smartphone displays
  • Moving to Amazon's markets of other countries in search results
  • Link button of price transition, review checker, and so on
  • BibTeX and RIS output used for information management and citation
  • Exporting of BibTeX information to Mendeley and Zotero by clicking or tapping a button in search results

Keiji will update Lead2Amazon such as "including other markets shown in a locale list of PA-API5". If you have any suggestions for search settings or displays that would be useful to many people, please let Keiji know. However, Lead2Amazon can't support information items that are not provided by PA-API5 unless Amazon's API is upgraded. Typical information items that are not provided by PA-API5 are as follows:

  • Overall information on customer reviews [average score, number of reviews]
  • Individual information in customer reviews [reviewer name, score, review content]
  • Series name of Prime Video (Though the title of the product will be displayed as "Episode 1 ...", the series name cannot be displayed.)
Request for Users of Lead2Amazon.com

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you have something to purchase on Amazon.com, please purchase it via Lead2Amazon. It helps to maintain Lead2Amazon's search and output service.

Based on a rule of Amazon PA-API, requests from unsale or low associates IDs are rejected or restricted. This rule provides that every $1 of sales of shipped items increases 20/day acceptable requests for the next 30 days. For example, if you buy a product from Amazon.com via Lead2Amazon for $10, the number of acceptable requests of Lead2Amazon to Amazon.com by all users for the next 30 days increases 200/day.

If Lead2Amazon doesn't show search results by reaching the maximum number of acceptable requests, please wait until the next day. Even if Lead2Amazon doesn't show search results, the associate tag in URL is valid. If you add ?tag=le2am-20 to the end of the URL to access the official Amazon.com, it contributes to increase the number of acceptable requests for the next 30 days. (example: https://www.amazon.com/?tag=le2am-20)
In addition, I am grateful that I receive referral fees of a few percent of sales as Amazon gift certificate by sales via Lead2Amazon.

Saito, Keiji (kei@jsaito.jp)