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Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea: Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta
Kindle Edition Wisdom Publications Khunu [author], Sparham, Gareth [translator]
[Asian Poetry ] [Religious Poetry ] [Dalai Lama ] [Tibetan Buddhism in Religion ] [Zen ]
Release Date: 2012-11-11 Language: English Number of Pages: 226 ASIN:
Price: $15.99 [New: Available for download now (Simon and Schuster Canada, Inc)]

The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa: A New Translation
Kindle Edition Shambhala Tsangnyön Heruka [author], Tsangnyön Heruka [preface], Stagg, Christopher [translator]
[Biographies & Memoirs ] [Asian Poetry ] [Religious Poetry ] [Buddha ] [Dharma in Buddhism ]
Release Date: 2017-09-05 Language: English Number of Pages: 1234 ASIN:
Price: $45.95 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

share your light: reflections in haiku
Kindle Edition McLeod, Romell [author]
[Japanese Poetry & Haiku (Rank:665)] [Asian Poetry (Rank:268)] [Asian ] [English Language Store ] [Kindle Unlimited ]
Release Date: 2020-07-12 Language: English Number of Pages: 151 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

The Poems of Nakahara Chuya
Kindle Edition Gracewing Publishing Chuya, Nakahara [author], Mackintosh, Paul St John [translator], Sugiyama, Maki [translator]
[Japanese Poetry & Haiku (Rank:438)] [Asian Poetry (Rank:144)] [English Language Store ]
Release Date: 2024-04-01 Language: English ASIN:
Price: $18.95 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Bütün Şiirleri: "Hayat hikayesi ilaveli" (Sabahattin Ali Kitapligi Dizisi Book 1)
Kindle Edition E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books Ali, Sabahattin [author]
[Middle Eastern Poetry (Rank:844)] [Asian Poetry ] [048f25d6-31dc-4acf-8d46-39d7f09db11d_2701 ] [Asian Poetry (Rank:316)] [Middle Eastern Poetry (Rank:211)]
Release Date: 2023-12-17 Language: English Number of Pages: 145 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-6257120487
Price: $6.39 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

No-Gate Gateway: The Original Wu-Men Kuan (The Great Koan Collections of Ch'an and Zen)
Kindle Edition Shambhala Hinton, David [author]
[Chinese Poetry (Rank:154)] [Religious Poetry ] [Buddha ] [Zen ] [Eastern Philosophy ]
Release Date: 2018-02-27 Language: English Number of Pages: 167 ASIN:
Price: $13.77 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Lacan chinês: Para além das estruturas e dos nós (Portuguese Edition)
Kindle Edition Autêntica Editora Andrade, Cleyton [author]
[Psychoanalysis ] [Chinese Poetry ] [Psychoanalysis ] [Asian Poetry ] [Other Foreign Languages ]
Release Date: 2023-06-15 Language: Portuguese Number of Pages: 247 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Memories Unwound
Kindle Edition Ruby Dhal Dhal, Ruby [author]
[Asian American Poetry ] [Asian Poetry ] [Poetry by Women ] [Asian Poetry ] [Asian American Literature ]
Release Date: 2017-03-24 Language: English Number of Pages: 185 ASIN:
Price: $8.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

The Mountain Poems of Stonehouse
Kindle Edition Copper Canyon Press Stonehouse Red Pine [author], Pine, Red [translator]
[Ancient Chinese History ] [History of Ancient China ] [Asian Literary History & Criticism ] [American Poetry ] [Ancient Chinese Poetry (Rank:10)]
Release Date: 2014-06-15 Language: English Number of Pages: 427 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

But I Don't Feel Empowered
Kindle Edition Andrews McMeel Publishing Chan, Suri [author]
[LGBTQ2S+ Poetry (Rank:8)] [Asian Poetry (Rank:5)] [Love Poems ] [Poetry by Women ] [Asian Poetry (Rank:1)]
Release Date: 2024-05-21 Language: English Number of Pages: 152 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

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Keyword: * ( List without Keyword)
Category: All
BrowseNode: 5790350011
Display of "Out of Stock" : OFF
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Result Count: More than 100 hits
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Displayed Page : 1 (1st to 10th)
