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Sulla pelle viva: Come si costruisce una catastrofe. Il caso del Vajont (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Cierre edizioni Tina Merlin [author]
[Storytelling ] [Other Foreign Languages ] [Arts, Film & Photography in Italian ]
Release Date: 2023-10-23 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 172 ASIN:
Price: $7.19 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Il cinema secondo Hitchcock (Il Saggiatore) (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Il Saggiatore François Truffaut [author]
[Individual Directors ] [Movies ] [Movies ] [Other Foreign Languages ] [Arts, Film & Photography in Italian ]
Release Date: 2020-04-02 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 376 ASIN:
Price: $7.19 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Kindle Edition LEONE, MICHELE [author]
[Dance in Performing Arts ] [Photography & Video ] [Dance ] [Dance ] [Photography ]
Release Date: 2020-10-16 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 103 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Pancia Gonfia! Intolleranza Alimentare? Come Individuare gli Alimenti Incompatibili con il Tuo Organismo ed Eliminare il Gonfiore Addominale. (Libri su ... e perdere peso Vol. 2) (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Brighton, Steve [author]
[Photography & Video ] [Sculpture ] [Historical Fiction ] [Library & Information Science ] [Sculpture ]
Release Date: 2024-12-08 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 119 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Story. Contenuti, struttura, stile, principi per la sceneggiatura e per l'arte di scrivere storie (Scrittura creativa) (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Omero Editore McKee, Robert [author], Paolo Restuccia [translator]
[Screenplays ] [Writing Guides ] [048f25d6-31dc-4acf-8d46-39d7f09db11d_2701 ] [Writing Guides ] [Screenplays ]
Release Date: 2013-07-28 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 573 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Come Disegnare Manga: Impara a Disegnare volti, corpi, e abiti manga di ogni genere. Un fantastico Quaderno per bambini e ragazzi con più di 80 Illustrazioni ... passo dopo passo (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Comics, Isekai [author]
[Drawing ] [Children's Books on Drawing ] [How To Create Manga ] [048f25d6-31dc-4acf-8d46-39d7f09db11d_2701 ] [Drawing ]
Release Date: 2022-12-07 Language: Italian ASIN:
Price: $5.76 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

L'ATTO MAGICO FELLINI, LYNCH E JODOROWSKY : La mente miracolosa di chi attinge alle idee provenienti dai mondi invisibili (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Studiolo Alchemico CERQUIGLINI, EMANUELE [author], C. CERMAN, E. [author]
[Individual Directors ] [Film History & Criticism ] [Film History & Criticism ] [Other Foreign Languages ] [Arts, Film & Photography in Italian ]
Release Date: 2022-10-01 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 156 ASIN:
Price: $9.00 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Breve storia d’Italia per studenti stranieri: livello A2-B1 (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Pesaresi, Fabio [author]
[European Art ] [Italian History ] [Social History ] [Geographical History ] [European Art (Rank:18)]
Release Date: 2020-12-27 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 75 ASIN:
Price: $2.81 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Caravaggio 1: La tavolozza e la spada (Manara Collection) (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Panini Spa - Socio Unico Manara, Milo [author]
[Arts & Photography Books: Artists ] [Painting ] [Renaissance Art ] [Graphic Novels ] [Art of Comics & Manga ]
Release Date: 2015-05-21 Language: Italian Number of Pages: 67 ASIN:
Price: $9.99 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore: Testo integrale con mappe concettuali e schemi (Mappe letterarie Vol. 2) (Italian Edition)
Kindle Edition Pirandello, Luigi [author], 2020, Pierre [editor]
[Playwriting in Theatre ] [Playwriting ] [Playwriting ] [Other Foreign Languages ] [Arts, Film & Photography in Italian ]
Release Date: 2020-02-09 Language: Italian ASIN:
Price: $5.83 [New: Available for download now (Amazon.com.ca ULC)]

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BrowseNode: 8407312011
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Displayed Page : 1 (1st to 10th)
