SHADE TOLERANT GRASS SEED - Our grass seed mix has shade-tolerant grass seeds designed for areas where the penetration of sunlight is limited. Perfect for lawns with big trees, large shrubs, or areas shaded by houses or other permanent structures.
PROVIDES A DARK GREEN LAWN - This grass seed mix produces healthy, dense, and attractive turf with a dark-green color.
GERMINATES & ESTABLISHES QUICKLY - Our lawn seed mixture has a germination time of 14 - 21 days. These turfgrass varieties also possess beneficial endophytes.
CONTAINS 4 COOL-SEASON GRASSES - Black Beauty Dense Shade contains the four families of cool-season turfgrasses: turf-type tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial rye, and fine fescues. This creates great versatility in shady to partial sun lawns.
COMPLETE COVERAGE - This 1 lb bag will seed up to 300 sq. ft. for new lawns. For overseeding, this bag will seed up to 600 sq. ft. The best time to apply is mid-August to mid-October, or mid-March through mid-May.
Dense shade grass seed mix
Dense shade mixture grows in shady areas where other seed mixtures have failed
Contains naturally insect resistant endophytic turfgrass varieties
Reduces water and fertilizer requirements
7 Pounds covers 4200 square feet area