COVERS ALL 9 HARDINESS ZONES due to its large assortment and wide variety --- making it the most complete heirloom seed bank on the market --- perfect for heirloom gardeners and preppers since anywhere you go in the U.S., you'll be able to start an heirloom garden there
WHAT’S INSIDE SURVIVAL ESSENTIAL’S HEIRLOOM SEED BANK? Click the 3rd photo on the left side - you’ll see 23,335+ heirloom seeds that consists of Veggies, Fruits, Medicinal and Culinary Herbs
BONUS 1 - You'll get RARE tomato heirloom seed varieties like Tigerella, Costoluto Genovese, Brandywine Red, Azoychka, Chocolate Stripes, Cherokee Purple, Big Rainbow, and so much more
BONUS 2 - You’ll also receive "Secrets to Successful Long Term Seed Storage" by world-renown horticulturist Suzanne Ashworth (provided with purchase) so you'll know how to store seeds properly and make them last for 2, 3, 5, 10 years
We plant, store, and package every heirloom seed you buy because we’re a small family-operated business in Oklahoma, headed by two HEIRLOOM SEED GARDENING EXPERTS with 50+ years of combined experience