India’s No.1 Coconut Oil: Trusted by millions across the country, Parachute Coconut Oil is synonymous with purity and quality. Sourced from naturally sun-dried coconuts from the finest farms, it has earned its reputation as India's No.1 coconut oil.
Tamper Proof Packaging: Our tamper-proof packaging is meticulously designed to safeguard the rich aroma and purity of raw coconuts. By sealing the product effectively, we ensure that every drop of Parachute 100% Pure Coconut Oil retains its freshness for an extended duration.
Made with Fresh Coconuts: At Parachute, we believe in sourcing only the freshest coconuts from the best farms across the country. Our 100% Pure Coconut Oil is a testament to this commitment, as it is crafted using natural and fresh coconuts, preserving their inherent goodness and flavour.
27 Quality Tests: Quality is paramount to us, which is why we subject our coconut oil to a rigorous testing process. From sun-drying and handpicking the coconuts to undergoing five stages of purification and 27 quality tests, every step is meticulously executed to ensure the highest purity and quality of our product.
Non-Refined: Parachute Coconut Oil is completely non-refined. This means that it undergoes no hydrogenation, bleaching, refining, or deodorizing processes. By preserving its natural state, our coconut oil retains all its beneficial properties, making it a healthier choice for you and your family.
No Additives & Full of Freshness: Parachute Coconut Oil contains only pure coconut oil - no added chemicals, scents, additives, or preservatives. This ensures that it remains fresh and safe for consumption for up to 24 months, allowing you to enjoy its goodness without any worries.