Official Calvin Klein Store
(Size) XS: Under: 25.6 - 27.6 inches (65 - 70 cm), Top: 29.5 - 31.5 inches (75 - 80 cm), S: Under: 27.6 - 35.4 inches (70 - 80 cm), M: Under: 34.6 - 35.6 inches (88 cm); (Size XS: 2 - 35 inches (8 cm); S: A75 - 35 inches (70 cm); 0/ M: A8 0, B75, C70/ L: B80, C75, D70
Soft and comfortable cotton fabric with just the right amount of stretch
This product is available in a top and bottom set
Matching shorts are F3787AD, F3786D, F3788. Please search for product number