Equipped with a lightning guard to protect electronics from lightning surges This power tap with lightning guard and dust proof shutter is easy to use in a variety of situations, such as office or home
This power tap with lightning guard and dust prevention shutter is easy to use in a variety of situations, such as the office or home
Built-in high-performance lightning surge absorbing element to protect electronics from lightning surges
It has a high performance lightning surge absorbing element (baristor) with a maximum surge voltage of 12,500 V, so it is effective in preventing the damage to electronic devices such as PCs and AV devices. The maximum surge voltage of 12500 V is based on the JEC210/212 standard. The maximum surge voltage is 4500V on the IEC61000-4-5 standard
Includes a dust proof shutter to prevent dust from entering when not in use
The insertion port uses urea resin with excellent heat resistance, so it is difficult to melt even in the event of a heat generation, and is effective in preventing electric fires
Electrical plug with insulated cap to help prevent fire caused by tracking
The power cord uses a dual wire cord that meets the JWDS0010 (JWDS0010), which is effective in preventing electrical shock and fire caused by disconnecting wires and broking
The 180 degree swing plug makes it easy to wire in narrow spaces
The plug has a 2-pin type, and is a convenient 4-outlet type