Our policy is "to enhance your motorcycle life," to ensure everyone who loves bikes have a full bike life."
With 40 years of experience in Taiwan, we have established various rubber products in an ISO 9001*1 facility, and developed a lineup that focuses on the production system and the scooter tire size by ODM(Original Design Manufacturing), with high reputation company, the synergistic effect of reducing shipping costs due to the industry leading mass orders
Overseas manufacturing is overseas by Japanese mechanics that are familiar with motorcycles, and we have produced the best quality for the road conditions in Japan. As a result, it acquires US DOT (*2) and European certification E-Mark *3 for quality. A lineup of quality products that are used in Japan as well as the world. China has become the big world of "Asian tires" in automobile tires
Based on the workflow and cost reduction methods obtained from the production of "NBS tires" in China and knowledge about maintaining quality in overseas production, we start producing in ODM with ISO9001*1 certified companies. The lineup is now available as a new brand of motorcycle parts centers that have acquired U.S. DOT *2 and European certification E-Mark *3. Expect to expand your product in the future
1. International standards for quality management systems issued by the International Organization for Standardization. *2 DOT Department of Transportation *3 European Technical Standard Type Approval for Vehicle Products