Compatible Part Numbers: YTR4A-BS, PS4A-BS, BGR4A-5, SV4A-BS, FTR4A-BS, RBTR4A-BS, ATR4A-BS, BGZ4A-BS, DYTR4A-BS, GTR4A-5, KTR4A-5
Compatible Models: Dio Fit (AF27), Live Dio (AF34, AF35), Monkey, Gorilla, Giorno (AF24), Solo, Tact (AF30, AF51), Topic, Benly, Magna 50, CB400SS, CL400. (Note: Even when the name of the model is the same, some models may vary in which battery they come equipped with depending on the model year and/or type, so please be sure to check and see which battery model your motorcycle is equipped with.)