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Comtec Dash Cam Option MicroSDHC Card 32GB CDS-32GB for Comtec Dash Cam
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car Driving Recorder Accessories (104位)] [自動車整備工場ストア ] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [ドライブ便利アイテム ]
リリース日: 2021-04-09 ASIN: EAN: 4952040056027
価格: ¥5,095 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
MicroSDHC card for use with Komtec dash cameras
Capacity: 32GB
SD Speed Class: Class 10
UHS Speed Class: UHS Speed Class 1

Comtec HDROP-14 Optional Parking Surveillance Direct Wiring Unit for Dash Camera
Automotive コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car Driving Recorder Accessories (1位)] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [配線 (整備工場ストア) ] [面だし用ASIN ]
リリース日: 2018-02-19 ASIN: EAN: 4952040053217
価格: ¥2,155 [New: 在庫あり。 (クレールオンラインショップ: 4.61点、742件)]
Since power is supplied by this product, there is no need to separately connect a cigarette lighter plug cord or direct wire cord
Power supply continues even after the car key switch is turned off and you can continue recording.
Compatible models: HDR-951GW, HDR852G, HDR360G, HDR-751G, HDR-751GP, HDR-75GA, HDR103, HDR203, ZDR026
COMTEC HDROP-14 parking surveillance, direct wiring cord
This cord is required for use of the parking surveillance function of Comtec compatible dash cameras.
Length: 13.1 feet (4 m)
Accessories: 2 electric taps, instruction manual (English language not guaranteed)

コムテック ドライブレコーダー ZDR055 STARVIS 2搭載で夜間撮影性能向上 前後2カメラ 前後200万画素 FullHD GPS/後続車両接近お知らせ機能/運転支援機能搭載 日本製 3年保証 常時録画 衝撃録画 駐車監視 高速起動 液晶 [出張取付サービス対応]
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (1位)] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [カー用品 取付・交換サービス ] [ドライブ便利アイテム ]
リリース日: 2023-10-13 ASIN: EAN: 4952040150558
価格: ¥21,000 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
ドライブレコーダー製造国内最大手のコムテック社が提供する「STARVIS 2搭載 前後2カメラ高画質ドライブレコーダーZDR055」
前後ともにSTARVIS 2搭載で夜間撮影性能が向上。STARVISよりもさらに低ノイズ・高鮮明な映像が記録可能。
フロントカメラ部仕様:■撮像素子:1/2.8型 CMOSセンサー(STARVIS 2技術搭載) ■有効画素数:最大200万画素 ■レンズ画角:水平138° 垂直70°(対角168°) ■F値:1.8 ■レンズ材質:ガラス
リヤカメラ部仕様:■撮像素子:1/2.8型 CMOSセンサー(STARVIS 2技術搭載) ■有効画素数:最大200万画素 ■レンズ画角:水平138° 垂直70°(対角168°) ■F値:1.8 ■レンズ材質:ガラス

Comtec PMU-T02 Inner Mirror Parking Surveillance Unit with Recording Function Detects Impacts During Parking and Records Footage with Recording Function
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (84位)] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [カー用品 取付・交換サービス ] [ドライブ便利アイテム ]
ASIN: EAN: 4952040300168
価格: ¥8,082 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
It detects impact while parked and starts recording with an inner mirror with recording function
Compatible models: Yaris / Yaris Cloth *Vehicle with inner mirror with recording function only *As of April 2023

Comtec ZDR043 Dash Camera, Front and Rear 2 Cameras, Compact, Front and Rear 2 Megapixels, Full HD, GPS, 32 GB MicroSD Card Included, Following Vehicle Approach Notification Function, Parking
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (2位)] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [カー用品 取付・交換サービス ] [ドライブ便利アイテム ]
ASIN: EAN: 4952040150510
価格: ¥16,800 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
From Comtec the largest manufacturer of dash cams, the front and rear camera entry model "ZDR043"
Equipped with a proximity notification function for subsequent vehicles. By notifying you that the car is coming close to the back of the vehicle, you can avoid any trouble with undetectable sensation
Front Camera Specifications: Image Sensor: 1/2.7 type CMOS sensors; Number of Effective Pixels: Up to 2 million pixels; Lens Angle: Horizontal 114°, Vertical 59° (Diagonal 139°); F Value: 2.1
Rear Camera Specifications: Image Sensor: 1/2.7 type CMOS sensors; Number of Effective Pixels: Up to 2 million pixels; Lens Angle: Horizontal 114°, Vertical 59° (Diagonal 139°); F Value: 2.1

Comtec HDR002 Dash Camera, 1 Camera Type, 2 Megapixels, Full HD, GPS, MicroSD Card Included, Maintenance-free, Parking Monitoring Function, Made in Japan, Black
Electronics コムテック(Comtec)
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (6位)] [Automotive Store ] [ドライブレコーダー(1カメラ) ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [カー用品 取付・交換サービス ]
リリース日: 2022-06-10 ASIN: EAN: 4952040150381
価格: ¥11,600 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Color: Black; Power Supply: Voltage: DC 12 V/24 V; Current Consumption: Less than 300mA under normal usage; Less than 600mA while charging super capacitor.
Camera specifications: Image Sensor: 1/2.7 type CMOS sensor; Effective Pixels: Up to 2 megapixels; Lens Angle: Horizontal 110°, Vertical 56° (Diagonal 138°); F2.1 aperture Operating Temperature Range: -10~60°.
Frame Rate: 27.5 FPS.
GPS: Yes.
Components Included: 16 GB microSD card, class 10.

Comtec AZDR48 Mirrored Dash Camera, Digital Inner Mirror Function, 2 Front and Rear Cameras, Front and Rear 2 Megapixels, FullHD, GPS, High Sensitivity Sensor with PureCel Plus Technology, Rear
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (12位)] [Amazon.co.jp限定 ] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [ドライブレコーダー(ミラー型) ]
リリース日: 2024-05-17 ASIN: EAN: 4952040150626
価格: ¥34,800 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Amazon.co.jp Limited Direct Wiring Cord Included Model! AZDR48 High Definition Dash Cam with Digital Inner Mirror Function Front and Rear 2 Cameras
View rear camera video on front of mirror. Ensure rear view with rear camera footage that becomes difficult to see by passengers or luggage
Front and rear CMOS sensor with PureCel Plus technology. In addition, the HDR function allows you to record clearly at night
Front camera specifications: Image sensor: 1/2.8 type CMOS sensor (with PureCel Plus technology); Effective pixels: Up to 2 million pixels; Lens angle: Horizontal 135°, Vertical 70° (diagonal 166°); F value: 1.8
Rear camera specifications: Image sensor: 1/2.8 type CMOS sensor (with PureCel Plus technology); Effective pixels: Up to 2 million pixels; Lens angle: Horizontal 135°, Vertical 70° (diagonal 166°); F value: 1.8

Comtec Drive Recorder ZDR055 and Parking Surveillance Code HDROP-14 set
Product Bundle
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (18位)] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [カー用品 取付・交換サービス ] [ドライブ便利アイテム ]
価格: ¥23,255 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : Prime会員対応]
ZDR055 Dash Cam with STARVIS 2, 2 Front and Rear Cameras, from Comtec the largest manufacturer of dash cams
Since this product is powered by a power source, there is no need to connect a cigarette lighter plug cord or direct wire cord

Comtec Drive Recorder Option Double-Sided Mounting Tape Set HDROP-34TS
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car Driving Recorder Accessories (5位)] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ]
リリース日: 2021-05-06 ASIN: EAN: 4952040053392
価格: ¥600 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
For use with Komtec dash cams
Compatible models: ZDR035/016 *As of May 2021
Package Includes: Front camera mounting stay, double sided tape for fixing rear camera mounting stay, double sided tape for fixing and degreasing cleaner
Made in Japan

Comtec ZDR037 Dash Cam with 8 mp 360° Camera, Omnidirectional Recording + Rear Camera with STARVIS to Record Rear Vehicles, Rear Camera with Vehicle Approaching Notification Function, Made in Japan, GPS, Parking Surveillance
Electronics コムテック(COMTEC)
[Car On-Dash Mounted Cameras (20位)] [自動車整備工場ストア ] [Automotive Store ] [コムテック(COMTEC)ストア ] [ドライブレコーダー 対象商品一覧 ]
リリース日: 2021-02-12 ASIN: EAN: 4952040150206
価格: ¥27,982 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
[Rear Camera Specifications] Image Sensor: 1/2.8" CMOS sensor, Equipped with STARVIS technology, Effective Pixels: Max. 2 mp; Lens Angle: Horizontal 138°, Vertical 70°, Diagonal 168°, Aperture: F/2.0, Lens: Glass
Product specifications 2: Frame rate: Main camera 27.5 fps / Rear camera 27.5 fps, * LED signal compliant, GPS: Yes
[Main Camera Specifications] Image Sensor: 1/2.3" CMOS sensor, Equipped with STARVIS technology, Effective Pixels: Max 8 mp, Lens Angle: 360° Horizontal, 235° Vertical, Aperture: F/2.2, Lens: Glass
Product Specifications 1: Power Supply Voltage: DC 12 V; Maximum Current Consumption: Less than 510 mA in normal use; Less than 980 mA when charging super capacitor; Operating Temperature Range: 14°F to 140°F (-10°C to 60°C).
A high-resolution 8 mp 360° camera that records in all directions! Furthermore, the rear camera reliably records the rear of your vehicle. The 360° camera can record the front, rear, left and right sides, including the inside of your car. The rear camera has a good recording quality.s well360° camera and rear camera with no blind spots!
[Product Dimension (W x H x D)] Front camera: 2.9 x 3.1 x 1.4 inches (74 x 78 x 35.1 mm); Rear camera 1.5 x 1.6 x 1.1 inches (38 x 40.2 x 27.5 mm)

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商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 2361128051
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
抽出: 指定なし

検索結果数: 100件以上
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
