

検索設定 [設定URL (キーワードなし一覧表示): https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?key=*&op=ri&bn=2624573051]
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商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 2624573051
表示言語: 日本語 (Japanese)
表示通貨: 日本円 (JPY)
出力: RIS付き出力
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
並び方: 関連度順
抽出: 指定なし
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (SeaWolf Press Illustrated Classic): First Edition Cover
ペーパーバック SeaWolf Press Twain, Mark [著]、Kemble, E. W. [イラスト]
[Postmodernism Literary Criticism (1位)] [English Paperback Store ] [Print on Demand ] [Amazon Student ポイント還元(洋書) ] [Amazonアプリキャンペーン対象商品(洋書) ]
リリース日: 2021-02-25 ページ数: 358 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-1953649805
価格: ¥1,954 [新品: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]

A1 - Twain, Mark
A4 - Kemble, E. W.
TI - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (SeaWolf Press Illustrated Classic): First Edition Cover
PY - 2021
DA - 2021/02/25
PB - SeaWolf Press
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 358
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
KW - English Paperback Store
KW - Print on Demand
KW - Amazon Student ポイント還元(洋書)
KW - Amazonアプリキャンペーン対象商品(洋書)
AN - 1953649807
SN - 978-1953649805
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=1953649807
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9781953649805
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1953649807/
LB - ¥1,954
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

The Dark Enlightenment - Imperium Press
ペーパーバック Imperium Press Land, Nick [著]
[Nonfiction Philosophy ] [Engineering ] [History & Philosophy of Science ] [Technology ] [Literary Criticism & Theory ]
リリース日: 2022-11-10 ページ数: 114 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-1922602688
価格: ¥3,770 [新品: 在庫あり。 (Rarewaves-USA: 4.63点、2188件)]

A1 - Land, Nick
TI - The Dark Enlightenment - Imperium Press
PY - 2022
DA - 2022/11/10
PB - Imperium Press
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 114
KW - Nonfiction Philosophy
KW - Engineering
KW - History & Philosophy of Science
KW - Technology
KW - Literary Criticism & Theory
AN - 192260268X
SN - 978-1922602688
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=192260268X
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9781922602688
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/192260268X/
LB - ¥3,770
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

The Great Gatsby: Decoding Gatsby An In-depth Analysis of Themes and Their Modern Relevance
ペーパーバック Independently published Fitzgerald, F Scott [著]
[Postmodernism Literary Criticism ] [Movies ] [English Paperback Store ] [Print on Demand ] [Amazon Student ポイント還元(洋書) ]
リリース日: 2024-05-09 ページ数: 253 ASIN: ISBN-13: 979-8324419981
価格: ¥1,707 [新品: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]

A1 - Fitzgerald, F Scott
TI - The Great Gatsby: Decoding Gatsby An In-depth Analysis of Themes and Their Modern Relevance
PY - 2024
DA - 2024/05/09
PB - Independently published
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 253
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
KW - Movies
KW - English Paperback Store
KW - Print on Demand
KW - Amazon Student ポイント還元(洋書)
SN - 979-8324419981
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B0D3VL7XMB
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9798324419981
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0D3VL7XMB/
LB - ¥1,707
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

Inventions of a Present: The Novel in Its Crisis of Globalization
ハードカバー Verso Books Jameson, Fredric [著]
[General Books & Reading (61位)] [Literary Criticism & Theory (277位)] [Postmodernism Literary Criticism (6位)] [Classic American Literature ] [20th Century History ]
リリース日: 2024-05-07 ページ数: 264 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-1804292402
価格: ¥4,858 [新品: 在庫あり。 (Rarewaves-USA: 4.63点、2188件)]

A1 - Jameson, Fredric
TI - Inventions of a Present: The Novel in Its Crisis of Globalization
PY - 2024
DA - 2024/05/07
PB - Verso Books
ET - ハードカバー
SE - 264
KW - General Books & Reading
KW - Literary Criticism & Theory
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
KW - Classic American Literature
KW - 20th Century History
AN - 1804292400
SN - 978-1804292402
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=1804292400
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9781804292402
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1804292400/
LB - ¥4,858
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture (Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture) (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Karkulehto, Sanna [編]、Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa [編]、Varis, Essi [編]
[Consciousness & Thought ] [Professional Science Biological Sciences ] [Science ] [Human Figure Art ] [Postmodernism Literary Criticism ]
リリース日: 2019-07-10 ページ数: 288 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A3 - Karkulehto, Sanna
A3 - Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa
A3 - Varis, Essi
TI - Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture (Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture) (English Edition)
PY - 2019
DA - 2019/07/10
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 288
KW - Consciousness & Thought
KW - Professional Science Biological Sciences
KW - Science
KW - Human Figure Art
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B07S4MBYS8
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07S4MBYS8/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

Invitation to a Beheading (Vintage International)
ペーパーバック Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Nabokov, Vladimir [著]
[Education & Reference ] [Postmodernism Literary Criticism (2位)] [Literary Fiction ] [World Literature ] [Lawyers & Criminals Humor (66位)]
リリース日: 1989-09-19 ページ数: 240 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0679725312
価格: ¥2,773 [新品: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]

A1 - Nabokov, Vladimir
TI - Invitation to a Beheading (Vintage International)
PY - 1989
DA - 1989/09/19
PB - Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 240
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
KW - Literary Fiction
KW - World Literature
KW - Lawyers & Criminals Humor
AN - 0679725318
SN - 978-0679725312
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=0679725318
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9780679725312
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0679725318/
LB - ¥2,773
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

Wide Sargasso Sea (Penguin Modern Classics)
ペーパーバック Penguin Classics Rhys, Jean [著]
[Classic Literature & Fiction (6667位)] [Literary Criticism & Theory (1708位)] [Postmodernism Literary Criticism (58位)] [Literary Fiction ] [English Paperback Store ]
リリース日: 2000-03-30 ページ数: 192 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0141182858
価格: ¥2,144 [新品: 通常3~4日以内に発送します。 (Ninetyninebooks: 3.96点、412件)]

A1 - Rhys, Jean
TI - Wide Sargasso Sea (Penguin Modern Classics)
PY - 2000
DA - 2000/03/30
PB - Penguin Classics
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 192
KW - Classic Literature & Fiction
KW - Literary Criticism & Theory
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
KW - Literary Fiction
KW - English Paperback Store
AN - 0141182857
SN - 978-0141182858
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=0141182857
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9780141182858
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0141182857/
LB - ¥2,144
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

The Art of Rhetoric (Penguin Classics)
ペーパーバック Penguin Classics Aristotle [著]、Lawson-Tancred, Hugh [訳]、Lawson-Tancred, Hugh [編]
[Words & Language Reference ] [Nonfiction Law ] [Nonfiction Philosophy ] [Professional & Technical Law ] [Public Speaking Reference (48位)]
リリース日: 1992-03-03 ページ数: 304 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0140445107
価格: ¥2,211 [新品: 通常7~8日以内に発送します。 (SuperBookDeals_: 4.3点、1083件)]

A1 - Aristotle
A3 - Lawson-Tancred, Hugh
A4 - Lawson-Tancred, Hugh
TI - The Art of Rhetoric (Penguin Classics)
PY - 1992
DA - 1992/03/03
PB - Penguin Classics
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 304
KW - Words & Language Reference
KW - Nonfiction Law
KW - Nonfiction Philosophy
KW - Professional & Technical Law
KW - Public Speaking Reference
AN - 0140445102
SN - 978-0140445107
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=0140445102
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9780140445107
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0140445102/
LB - ¥2,211
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

The Construction of Social Reality
ペーパーバック Penguin Searle, John [著]
[Epistemology (152位)] [Education & Reference ] [Literary Criticism & Theory ] [Postmodernism Literary Criticism (14位)] [Classic American Literature ]
リリース日: 1996-09-26 ページ数: 256 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0140235906
価格: ¥2,816 [新品: 通常9~10日以内に発送します。 (~~9:9~~: 3.8点、357件)]

A1 - Searle, John
TI - The Construction of Social Reality
PY - 1996
DA - 1996/09/26
PB - Penguin
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 256
KW - Epistemology
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Literary Criticism & Theory
KW - Postmodernism Literary Criticism
KW - Classic American Literature
AN - 0140235906
SN - 978-0140235906
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=0140235906
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9780140235906
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0140235906/
LB - ¥2,816
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

Baudelaire: Selected Writings on Art and Literature (Penguin Classics)
マスマーケット Penguin Classics Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre [著]、Charvet, P. E. [訳]
[Arts & Photography Criticism ] [Art History ] [Essays ] [Gothic & Romantic Literary Criticism (36位)] [Medieval Literary Critism ]
リリース日: 1993-06-01 ページ数: 464 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0140446067
価格: ¥3,472 [新品: 在庫あり。 (thebookcommunity: 4.64点、723件)]

A1 - Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre
A4 - Charvet, P. E.
TI - Baudelaire: Selected Writings on Art and Literature (Penguin Classics)
PY - 1993
DA - 1993/06/01
PB - Penguin Classics
ET - マスマーケット
SE - 464
KW - Arts & Photography Criticism
KW - Art History
KW - Essays
KW - Gothic & Romantic Literary Criticism
KW - Medieval Literary Critism
AN - 0140446060
SN - 978-0140446067
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=0140446060
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9780140446067
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0140446060/
LB - ¥3,472
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/17
ER -

キーワード: * ( キーワードなし一覧表示)
商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 2624573051
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
抽出: 指定なし

検索結果数: 100件以上
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
