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商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 2638104051
表示言語: 日本語 (Japanese)
表示通貨: 日本円 (JPY)
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Warning: Undefined variable $iavmes in /home/leadto/www/leadto/amazon/jp/index.html on line 2618
Days at the Morisaki Bookshop: The perfect book to curl up with - for lovers of Japanese translated fiction everywhere
ペーパーバック Manilla Press Yagisawa, Satoshi [著]、Ozawa, Eric [訳]
[Parenting & Families ] [Japanese Travel Guides ] [Marriage (1位)] [Education & Reference ] [Contemporary Literature & Fiction ]
リリース日: 2023-07-04 ページ数: 160 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-1786583239
価格: ¥1,950 [新品: (INDIGLOBAL_SHOP: 3.49点、166件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]

A1 - Yagisawa, Satoshi
A4 - Ozawa, Eric
TI - Days at the Morisaki Bookshop: The perfect book to curl up with - for lovers of Japanese translated fiction everywhere
PY - 2023
DA - 2023/07/04
PB - Manilla Press
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 160
KW - Parenting & Families
KW - Japanese Travel Guides
KW - Marriage
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Contemporary Literature & Fiction
AN - 1786583232
SN - 978-1786583239
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=1786583232
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9781786583239
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1786583232/
LB - ¥1,950
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Archival Silences: Missing, Lost and, Uncreated Archives (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Moss, Michael [編]、Thomas, David [編]
[Education & Reference ] [England History ] [Censorship & Politics ] [Academic Library & Information Science ] [Library Management ]
リリース日: 2021-05-10 ページ数: 274 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A3 - Moss, Michael
A3 - Thomas, David
TI - Archival Silences: Missing, Lost and, Uncreated Archives (English Edition)
PY - 2021
DA - 2021/05/10
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 274
KW - Education & Reference
KW - England History
KW - Censorship & Politics
KW - Academic Library & Information Science
KW - Library Management
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B08PC2YR2D
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B08PC2YR2D/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Archives and Human Rights (ISSN) (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Boel, Jens [著]、Canavaggio, Perrine [著]、Antonio González Quintana [著]
[Children's Law & Crime Books ] [Education & Reference ] [Central Africa History ] [Rwanda History ] [Central America History ]
リリース日: 2021-02-09 ページ数: 352 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A1 - Boel, Jens
A1 - Canavaggio, Perrine
A1 - Antonio, González, Quintana
TI - Archives and Human Rights (ISSN) (English Edition)
PY - 2021
DA - 2021/02/09
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 352
KW - Children's Law & Crime Books
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Central Africa History
KW - Rwanda History
KW - Central America History
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B08TYRF2NQ
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B08TYRF2NQ/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Anatomy of Genres
ペーパーバック Picador Paper Truby, John [著]
[Education & Reference ] [Literature & Fiction ] [Genre Films (85位)] [Screenwriting (101位)] [Academic Library & Information Science (7位)]
リリース日: 2022-11-29 ページ数: 720 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-0374539221
価格: ¥3,269 [新品: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]

A1 - Truby, John
TI - Anatomy of Genres
PY - 2022
DA - 2022/11/29
PB - Picador Paper
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 720
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Literature & Fiction
KW - Genre Films
KW - Screenwriting
KW - Academic Library & Information Science
AN - 0374539227
SN - 978-0374539221
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=0374539227
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9780374539221
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0374539227/
LB - ¥3,269
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Archives, Second Revised Edition: Principles and Practices (Principles and Practice in Records Management and Archives)
ペーパーバック Facet Publishing Millar, Laura Agnes [著]
[Words & Language Reference ] [Words, Language & Grammar (14591位)] [Academic Library & Information Science (34位)] [Library Management (130位)] [English Paperback Store ]
リリース日: 2017-09-30 ページ数: 304 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-1783302062
価格: ¥10,031 [新品: 通常2~3週間以内に発送します。 (Ninetyninebooks: 3.96点、410件)]

A1 - Millar, Laura Agnes
TI - Archives, Second Revised Edition: Principles and Practices (Principles and Practice in Records Management and Archives)
PY - 2017
DA - 2017/09/30
PB - Facet Publishing
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 304
KW - Words & Language Reference
KW - Words, Language & Grammar
KW - Academic Library & Information Science
KW - Library Management
KW - English Paperback Store
AN - 1783302062
SN - 978-1783302062
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=1783302062
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9781783302062
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1783302062/
LB - ¥10,031
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work (Routledge Studies in Archives) (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Caswell, Michelle [著]
[Nonfiction Government ] [Education & Reference ] [Asian Politics ] [Government Social Policy ] [Social Services & Welfare ]
リリース日: 2021-05-19 ページ数: 144 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A1 - Caswell, Michelle
TI - Urgent Archives: Enacting Liberatory Memory Work (Routledge Studies in Archives) (English Edition)
PY - 2021
DA - 2021/05/19
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 144
KW - Nonfiction Government
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Asian Politics
KW - Government Social Policy
KW - Social Services & Welfare
AN - B0945N8MBQ
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B0945N8MBQ
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0945N8MBQ/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Yeo, Geoffrey [著]
[Archaeology ] [Art History ] [Education & Reference ] [England History ] [Prehistory ]
リリース日: 2021-04-21 ページ数: 228 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A1 - Yeo, Geoffrey
TI - Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies (English Edition)
PY - 2021
DA - 2021/04/21
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 228
KW - Archaeology
KW - Art History
KW - Education & Reference
KW - England History
KW - Prehistory
AN - B09133VHV1
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B09133VHV1
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09133VHV1/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

A History of Participation in Museums and Archives: Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Hetland, Per [編]、Pierroux, Palmyre [編]、Esborg, Line [編]
[Nonfiction Economics ] [Archaeology ] [Travel Reference & Tips ] [Education & Reference ] [Politics & Social Sciences Archaeology ]
リリース日: 2020-03-17 ページ数: 300 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A3 - Hetland, Per
A3 - Pierroux, Palmyre
A3 - Esborg, Line
TI - A History of Participation in Museums and Archives: Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities (English Edition)
PY - 2020
DA - 2020/03/17
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 300
KW - Nonfiction Economics
KW - Archaeology
KW - Travel Reference & Tips
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Politics & Social Sciences Archaeology
AN - B0861MPV3D
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B0861MPV3D
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0861MPV3D/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

Conservation of Time-Based Media Art (Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology)
ペーパーバック Routledge Engel, Deena [編]、Phillips, Joanna [編]
[Museum Exhibition Catalogs ] [Art History ] [Education & Reference ] [Computer Graphic Design ] [Academic Library & Information Science ]
リリース日: 2024-10-04 ページ数: 554 ASIN/ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 978-1032343785
価格: ¥8,117 [新品: 通常4~5日以内に発送します。 (BD SG: 4.67点、31件)]

A3 - Engel, Deena
A3 - Phillips, Joanna
TI - Conservation of Time-Based Media Art (Routledge Series in Conservation and Museology)
PY - 2024
DA - 2024/10/04
PB - Routledge
ET - ペーパーバック
SE - 554
KW - Museum Exhibition Catalogs
KW - Art History
KW - Education & Reference
KW - Computer Graphic Design
KW - Academic Library & Information Science
AN - 1032343788
SN - 978-1032343785
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=1032343788
U2 - https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9781032343785
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/1032343788/
LB - ¥8,117
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

The Materiality of the Archive: Creative Practice in Context (Routledge Studies in Archives) (English Edition)
Kindle版 Routledge Breakell, Sue [編]、Russell, Wendy [編]
[Education & Reference ] [England History ] [Academic Library & Information Science ] [History (200位)] [Reference ]
リリース日: 2023-10-30 ページ数: 294 ASIN:
価格: ¥0 [新品: 今すぐダウンロードできます。 (Amazon Services International LLC)]

A3 - Breakell, Sue
A3 - Russell, Wendy
TI - The Materiality of the Archive: Creative Practice in Context (Routledge Studies in Archives) (English Edition)
PY - 2023
DA - 2023/10/30
PB - Routledge
ET - Kindle版
SE - 294
KW - Education & Reference
KW - England History
KW - Academic Library & Information Science
KW - History
KW - Reference
U1 - https://lead.to/amazon/jp/?op=ri&la=ja&key=B0BX9CHRDQ
U3 - https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BX9CHRDQ/
LB - ¥0
N1 - 新品
Y2 - 2025/03/18
ER -

キーワード: * ( キーワードなし一覧表示)
商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 2638104051
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
抽出: 指定なし

検索結果数: 100件以上
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
