(Over 3 million bags sold continuously): The "Keimi of Hokkuni" that started selling in January 2013, has continued to be loved and exceeded 3 million bags (*1) has been enjoyed by many people every day. We have spoken it. Conversion of 1,93 capsules 2013/1 to 2023/5. 2. Surveys are conducted for customers who have been randomly extracted from customers in the third month after a regular purchase of "North Kingdom". (May to June 2013) n=100 91 people answered "Satisfaction" and "Little Satisfaction" in Wellvenus. 9 people responded to "Little Satisfaction" and "Little Satisfaction" or "Frustration". )
[More power than glucosamine: Proteoglycan] Cartilage contains about 90% of proteoglycan and type 2 collagen when removing moisture. When you think of splatter supplements, "glucosamine" and "chondroitin" are often heard, but they are actually just a component of "proteoglycan". Unlike those ingredients, Proteoglycan is the main ingredient that comprises the cartilage itself, because it collects water and has excellent elasticity and water retention, making it an indispensable component for our smooth everyday life
(Base component "Type 2 Collagen" for forming cartilage) The most common component of the cartilage is "type 2 collagen", which is connected to lubrication so that each tissue does not come apart. It helps to build a strong and supple body. This type 2 collagen is a base component for supporting cartilage, and also helps to keep nutrients. However, this important ingredient "Type 2 Collagen" will decrease as it age, so it is important to compensate. The Blessing of the Northern Province, based on various research results we use the optimal balance of proteoglycan and type 2 collagen
Contains plenty of supportive ingredients besides cartilage ingredients: In addition to proteoglycan and type 2 collagen, the "blessing of northern countries", the "hyaluronic acid", which is one of the cartilage components, and the "imidasol dipeptide" chicken extract, which is a focus of muscle ingredient. Imidasol Gypeptide is an animal muscle component that is often found in the base of a bird's wing. It is said that the wild animals can move without being too flimsy, and it also supports the muscles that support the sludge support you need to keep your health every day
(Safe Quality Management, World Performance) This product is meant to be consumed every day, and we have undergone thorough quality control with attention to safety. "Blessing of Hokkoku" manages quality in a GMP-certified factory based on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare guidelines. "Blessings of the North Kingdom" has been recognized for its quality, and has won the Monde Selection's Best Gold Award. This product does not have a GMP product mark, but is manufactured in a GMP certified factory (certification number 11105). Certification Period: July 29, 2020 - July 28, 2023 Furthermore, the quality of this product has been recognized worldwide and the "Monde Selection Best Gold Award" was successfully winner in 2020 and 2021. "