"Uzushi Ochi Mature Sweet Onion" from the Aman District of Minami Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture. The taste and sweetness of the onion will be better by taking a long time aging in a special refrigerator. Sweet and spicy, soft enough to be eaten
Each piece is carefully selected and polished by our staff in a process of picking one grain. Other companies cannot imitate the likeness of refrigeration and drying management, and the onions are stored in approximately 1 year cycle. Through thorough refrigeration management, the sugar content is increased, making it a beautiful and sweet, delicious onion
The characteristics of Hakuji Island onion is the cultivation of Hakuji Island onions began from the Meiji era about 130 years ago. Aman area of the southest end of Hakuji Islands, is blessed with the warm climates unique to Setochi, and the sea breeze transports minerals to produce more delicious onions
Thanks to its popularity and high repeat. We strive to provide authentic and delicious onions to customers all over the country
Impervious Onions, 22.0 lbs (10 kg), 1 Box, 30 - 40 Pieces (Current breed will be mediate, anser, and tarzan)