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膝当て 作業用 膝パッド 膝サポーター 【 両膝 セ ッ ト 】【 男女 兼用 】【 意匠 権 申請 デ ザ イ ン】 膝パット ニーパッド 大きめ 家事 床掃除 介護 保育 膝立ち 膝 負担 軽減 痛い 保護 作業 ヨガ 防止 (ブラ ック)
[Drug Store ] [Safety Kneepads (1位)]
ASIN: EAN: 4580089553360
価格: ¥1,199 (¥600 / 個) [New: 在庫あり。 (LIFEST(ライフエスト)【インボイス対応の日本企業】: 4.76点、24件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
✅【満足のいく膝パッドをつくりあげるために取り入れた、10個の改良ポイント】 01.ヘタりにくい最適な厚み 02.膝を曲げても痛くないデザイン 03.落ちにくくズレにくい 04.前留めだから留めやすい 05.男女兼用のロング留め具 06.テープタイプで簡単着脱 07.意匠登録申請中のデザイン 08.伸縮するネオプレン素材 09.素肌に当たっても痛くない 10.洗濯できていつでも清潔(手洗い推奨) なお弊社の膝パッドは屋内での使用に特化しており、掃除・介護・保育・DIYなどの両膝または片膝をついて行う作業や、骨折やケガをした際の膝の保護・四つん這いでの移動、ヨガやストレッチを行う際の膝のサポート・怪我防止などに役立ちます。 膝パッドを使用することで、膝の痛みを軽減できるだけでなく、洋服や膝下の汚れを気にすることなく快適に過ごせます。 ※こちらの膝パッドはスポーツ用ではありません。過度な動きをした場合、膝パッドが落下してしまう可能性がございますのでご注意ください。
✅【膝裏の痛みを軽減した『意匠権申請中』のデザイン!】 従来の膝パッドは、ベルクロ(マジックテープ)を留める部分が膝の後ろ側でした。そのため、膝を曲げると膝裏に厚みのあるベルクロが食い込んでしまい、強い痛みを感じるスタッフが沢山いました。 そんな痛みを解消すべく、LIFESTの膝パッドには改良を施しています。従来のように膝の裏側ではなく、側面~前面で留まるような構造になっているので、膝を曲げても膝裏が痛くなりません。 この構造は、意匠権を申請している弊社オリジナルのデザインです! この構造により、膝をしっかりと保護しながらも、動作に制限を与えずかつ痛みを感じることなく膝の曲げ伸ばしができるようになりました。 弊社スタッフからも「膝裏の痛みが軽減された」と喜びの声が上がっています。 また、従来の膝パッドは後ろ側で留めるのが非常に難しかったのに対して、ライフエストの膝パッドは横留めや前留めが可能となり、従来よりも圧倒的に留めやすくなりました。
✅【ヘタりにくい!最適な厚みのパッド】(ダイヤモンドプロテクト) 従来の膝パッドは、パッドが薄すぎて数ヶ月使うとペラペラになってしまうのが難点でした。そこで弊社は、どれくらいの厚みの膝パッドがよいのか、素材は何がベストなのか探るため、試作を繰り返しました。 ズレにくく膝をしっかりと保護しつつも、装着時の不快感を最小限に抑えられる、そんな膝パッドを作り上げるために、特に厚みについては細心の注意を払いました。 薄すぎる膝パッドはすぐにペラペラになってしまい、逆に厚すぎる膝パッドは膝に定着せずすぐに落ちてしまうことがわかりました。 そして試作を繰り返した結果、薄すぎず厚すぎない最適な厚みの膝パッドが完成!! これにより、膝への負担は軽減しつつ、軽い装着感で快適な動作が可能になります。 さらに、こちらの膝パッドは破れにくく傷がつきにくい素材で作られています。長期間使用しても変形しにくく、簡単にはヘタりません。安心して繰り返しご使用いただけるおすすめの膝パッドです。
✅【男女兼用のロング留め具】しっかり留められてズレ落ちにくい! 従来の膝パッドはSサイズ、Mサイズ、Lサイズなど複数のサイズに分かれていました。そのため男性、女性、体のサイズで合う合わないがあったり、体形の変化で使えなくなってしまったりして、非常に困っていました。 そこでLIFESTの膝パッドには、50cmの非常に長い留め具を採用しました。そうしたことで、様々な性別や体型に適合し、老若男女誰でも問わずご使用いただけるひざパッドとなりました。 またそれにより、従来のものよりも、しっかりと固定でき、ひざパッドがズレ落ちる心配がありません。 安定感抜群のひざパッドを使えば、安心して活動に集中することができます。 粘着部分も十分に長いため、装着中に留め具が外れる心配も最小限に抑えられます。 素足に装着できるのはもちろん、長さに余裕があるため、衣服の上からでも装着できます。ご使用いただく状況に合わせて、日常の様々なシーンで幅広くご使用いただけるひざパッドです。
✅【テープタイプだから簡単!サッとつけられる】 膝を付いた方が楽にできる作業も「洋服が汚れそう」「膝が赤くなるかも」と心配になり、避けてしまうことはありませんか? そのような時でも弊社の膝当てなら着脱も簡単!使いたいときにサッとつけてすぐに作業に取り掛かれます。 締め加減を調節するのも簡単に行えます。 ※こちらの膝パッドはスポーツ用ではありません。過度な動きをした場合、膝パッドが落下してしまう可能性がございますのでご注意ください。
✅【やわらか伸縮素材】快適な着け心地 ひざパッドの素材は、ウェットスーツにも使われている、ネオプレーン素材を採用しています。 ネオプレーン素材は、肌触りも良く伸縮性も抜群です。そのため膝の形状にフィットし、動きを制限することなく快適にご使用いただけます。 適度な厚みがありながらも、着用感は快適で、自然な動きを妨げません。 こちらのひざパッドは素足に着けてもチクチクせず、伸びのいい留め具で装着時も手間取りません。 ■【手洗いOK】汗をかいたり汚れたりしても大丈夫!衛生面も安心なひざパッドです。 弊社のひざパッドは、汚れたら手軽に洗浄できるので、いつでも清潔に長期間にわたってご使用いただけます。 ※ひざパッドの生地が傷んでしまうので、洗濯機ではなく手洗いでの洗浄をお勧めしております。
✅【安心安全のハイクオリティ】 弊社のひざパッドは国際規格「ISO13485」取得工場で製造されています。 品質管理の厳格な基準に則って生産されたこのひざパッドは、医療機器レベルの高い品質と安全性を誇ります。 日常生活や作業中に膝を保護し、快適さを提供することを目的としたこのひざパッドは、耐久性、快適性、安全性を兼ね備えています。 膝への負担を軽減しながら、自信を持って日常の活動に取り組めるようサポートします。

title={膝当て 作業用 膝パッド 膝サポーター 【 両膝 セ ッ ト 】【 男女 兼用 】【 意匠 権 申請 デ ザ イ ン】 膝パット ニーパッド 大きめ 家事 床掃除 介護 保育 膝立ち 膝 負担 軽減 痛い 保護 作業 ヨガ 防止 (ブラ ック)},
keywords={Drug Store, Safety Kneepads},
price={¥1,199 (¥600 / 個)},

Knee Pads, For Work, Knee Pads, For Gardening, Knee Guard, Knee Protector, Easy Installation, 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) Thick, Breathable, Waterproof, Shrinkage, Anti-Slip, Knee Protector, Knee Brace, Shock
[Drug Store ] [Safety Kneepads (9位)]
ASIN: EAN: 9036274693403
価格: ¥395 [New: 在庫あり。 (guangxinanningshi123: 3.98点、151件)]
(Product Details) Size: 7.3 x 5.1 x 0.5 inches (185 x 130 x 13 mm); Thickness: 0.5 inch (1.3 cm); Weight: 2.1 oz (60 g); Set of 2, knee pads; Soft and durable EVA foam pads provide comfortable cushioning for your knees. 2 Piece Knee Pads for Working, Cleaning, Farming, Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Guards, Knee Protectors, Knee Supporters, Gardening, Construction, Interior, Flooring Work, Farm Work, Outdoors, Unisex
【High Quality Material】This knee pad has a soft core and durable EVA foam filling to provide comfortable cushioning for your knees. 2 knee pads for gardening, heavy duty thick shields prevent scratches. Knee Pads for Gardening, Knee Pads, Knee Guard, Knee Protection, Lightweight, Abrasion Resistant, Adjustable, Shock Absorption, For Gardening, Construction, Farming, Outdoor Work, Set of 2
[Lightweight] Lightweight knee pads can protect your knees in any direction, 2 knee pads, work knee pads, after use, wipe the dirty area with a wet towel and dry in a place away from sunlight and keep it dry. 2 Pcs Knee Pads for Work Knee Pads Cleaning Knee Pads Knee Pads Knee Pads Knee Pads Knee Guards Knee Protective Gear for Gardening Construction Interior Flooring
【Durable】The knee pads are made of premium EVA material, which is strong and durable when using, 2 pcs knee pads kneepad knee pads for working, strong and durable when using, reliable performance and long time use. Knee Pads Set of 2, Knee Pads for Work, Light Work, Knee Pads for Gardening, Housework, Knee Pads for Farming, Gardening, Waterproof, Knee Pads for Women and Men
Wide range of uses: Adjustable knee pads for gardening and construction, knee pads for work 2 pieces, perfect for all types of tasks such as household chores, DIY, etc. Perfect for hardwood construction, carpentry, industrial work, gardening, maintenance, cleaning, light work, outdoor activities, extreme sports, etc. Knee Pads, For Work, 2 Pieces, Easy Installation, Breathable, Waterproof, Shrinkage

title={Knee Pads, For Work, Knee Pads, For Gardening, Knee Guard, Knee Protector, Easy Installation, 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) Thick, Breathable, Waterproof, Shrinkage, Anti-Slip, Knee Protector, Knee Brace, Shock},
keywords={Drug Store, Safety Kneepads},

Work Knee Pads/Fluffy Knee Guards, Set of 2, One Size Fits Most, Soft Type, Garden Supplies

[DIY & Garden - AmazonGlobal free shipping ] [Home Improvement Store ] [Safety Kneepads (3位)]
価格: ¥1,340 [New: 在庫あり。 (ESユナイテッド: 4.81点、130件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
[Estimated shipping]: 3 - 8 business days *Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays【Package Category】:TS 1102【Package Size】: Normal Product ● You can work with your knee ● When you wear your knees, you will not suffer from the middle waist posture. But if you put your knees on the ground, you will be surprised and easy to posture. In such cases, we recommend a knee guard that can be worn comfortably on your knees. Product Name: Fluffy Knee Guard; Size: Approx. 6.7 x 9.4 x 2.4 inches (17 x 24 x 6 cm); Weight: Approx. 1.4 oz (42 g); Material: Body: Nylon, Cushioning Material: Polyethylene, Closure Band: Nylon; Set Contents: 2 pieces. Country of Manufacture: China. Special Notes: Note:
[Common Note] ★ The color of the product photos may differ from the actual product depending on your monitor model and settings
★Depending on the product, there may be differences in color (color) and size in the product image, so please check the product name before placing your order
★Product specifications and packaging may change without prior notice
★ There is a possibility that it may sell out depending on the stock status, and in that case, you may cancel it. ★As this is [Order/Direct from the Manufacturer or Wholesale Direct] please refrain from "Changes, Cancellations, Returns, etc.) after your order

title={Work Knee Pads/Fluffy Knee Guards, Set of 2, One Size Fits Most, Soft Type, Garden Supplies},
keywords={DIY & Garden - AmazonGlobal free shipping, Home Improvement Store, Safety Kneepads},

Ludus Felix Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Protector, Knee Pads, For Work, Set of 2 (Black, L)
[Sports & Outdoor ] [Sports - AmazonGlobal free shipping ] [Safety Kneepads (10位)]
ASIN: EAN: 4573419859317
価格: ¥1,650 [New: 在庫あり。 ((株)ラブアース【30日間返品返金保証/安心のアマゾンFBA配送】: 4.68点、163件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
(Firmly protects your knees! The thick padding protects your knees from impacts. The knee is a great burden and sometimes impacts but prevents them. Can be used in various occasions such as volleyball, general sports, gardening, DIY, cleaning, etc
Easy to install. The knee pads are adjustable with Velcro. No misalignment and no pain when walking
Excellent elasticity. Elastic to fit your knees. This set includes both knees. Your knees will be nice during a little job. Avoid knee pain before it comes Colors: Black, gray, blue. Size: M and L. Set of 2. For adults, please choose L size
(Firmly guaranteed) Reliable returns and refunds system: In the event that there is an initial defect, returns and refunds can be made within 30 days after purchase. Try it with confidence. Please note that we accept returns for unused items. Only those purchased from Love Earth Co., Ltd. are eligible for this product. (Returns cannot be accepted): This product has been used once and has been used. Items that have been lost or discarded. Damaged or damaged It has been more than 30 days from the date of delivery. Beware of imitation products and older models: Although it looks similar in appearance, there is significant differences in quality. There are many of these inferior products in circulation, and they have lower cushioning and poor quality than the original product. Beware of imitation products that are too common to be cheap
[Save money by purchasing multiple Ludus Felix products. ] Buy 2 and save $100. Save $150 when purchase 3 Save $250 when purchase 4 You can view the Ludus Felix store at the top of the screen. Or you can also find it at the bottom of this page. Or you can also search Ludus Felix in the search window. There are some bad dislikes reviews and we have been damaged by our company, so please rest assured that we will reply you with our product. Our employees are committed to providing our customers with the ultimate satisfaction. In the event that the product is defective, even if you review the product page, we will not be able to send an email from our company to return or refund. Therefore, if the product is defective, please return it from your order history or email us

title={Ludus Felix Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Pads, Knee Protector, Knee Pads, For Work, Set of 2 (Black, L)},
keywords={Sports & Outdoor, Sports - AmazonGlobal free shipping, Safety Kneepads},

ミドリ安全(Midori Anzen) 激突 打ち付け 衝撃軽減 挟み事故防止 手甲ガード AG9000
Tools & Home Improvement ミドリ安全(Midori Anzen)
[プロ向け工具 法人価格 | Amazonビジネス ] [Safety Kneepads (18位)] [Lab & Scientific Products ]
ASIN: EAN: 4548890153520
価格: ¥828 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Color: Black Size: Free Type: Magic Type Length: 5.9 inches (15 cm), Width: 3.9 inches (10 mm), Thickness: 3.9 inches (10 cm), Width: 3.9 inches (10 cm), Length: 5.9 inches (15 cm)
Cushion part (L x W x D): 5.9 x 3.9 x 0.4 inches (150 x 100 x 10 mm)
SBR Nylon

title={ミドリ安全(Midori Anzen) 激突 打ち付け 衝撃軽減 挟み事故防止 手甲ガード AG9000},
publisher={ミドリ安全(Midori Anzen)},
edition={Tools & Home Improvement},
keywords={プロ向け工具 法人価格 | Amazonビジネス, Safety Kneepads, Lab & Scientific Products},

[Supervised by Experts to Improve Your Quality of Life] Knee Pads for Work, Shock Absorbing Knees, Washable, Unisex, 2-Piece Set, KEPPALE (M, Black)
[Drug Store ] [Drugstore - AmazonGlobal free shipping ] [Safety Kneepads (6位)]
ASIN: EAN: 4570191200108
価格: ¥1,680 [New: 在庫あり。 (★マーケット・ジャパン本店: 4.71点、19件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
(Supervised by Experts to Improve Quality of Life) Certified Nurse is a nurse that specializes in improving the quality of life by managing anxiety about pain and mind. We have incorporated 20 years of experience in improving the quality of life and finished our knee sleeves to care for both knees and feelings
Selected Factory: Carefully selected from dozens of locations in China. All manufacturing, inspection, and shipping are managed by the Japanese standard. The total number of factories has surpassed "100,000 pieces", and we partner with a reliable and proven factory
(Safe 30 Day Warranty) We strive to provide our customers with a satisfactory experience. 30 days after purchase includes initial defects. Please feel free to contact customer support
【Machine Washable】Made of machine washable material. You can always keep it clean without worrying about sweat or dirt. We recommend using a laundry net to reduce bulk even by a little
[How to choose the size] With the knee being lightly bent, please choose the size that is 3.9 inches (10 cm) above the center of the knee. This product is meant to be worn barefoot. If you wear it over your pants, please measure the size with your pants on. Size S: 9.4 - 13.0 inches (24 - 33 cm), Size M: 11.0 - 17.7 inches (28 - 45 cm), Size L: 13.4 - 20.9 inches (34 - 53 cm)

title={[Supervised by Experts to Improve Your Quality of Life] Knee Pads for Work, Shock Absorbing Knees, Washable, Unisex, 2-Piece Set, KEPPALE (M, Black)},
keywords={Drug Store, Drugstore - AmazonGlobal free shipping, Safety Kneepads},

Gardening Knee Pads, Knee Guards, Knee Protectors, Lightweight, Abrasion Resistant, Adjustable, Shock Absorption, Suitable for Gardening, Construction, Farm Work, Outdoor Work
[Drug Store ] [Drugstore - AmazonGlobal free shipping ] [Safety Kneepads (27位)]
価格: ¥749 [New: 在庫あり。 (KANZHIF: 4.69点、727件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Product Specifications: Size: 7.3 x 5.1 x 0.5 inches (185 x 130 x 13 mm), Thickness: 0.5 inches (1.3 cm), Weight: 2.1 oz (60 g), 2 pieces
【DURABLE】The knee pads are made of premium EVA material, which is strong and durable when in use, reliable performance and long time use
(Good Breathability) These knee protectors are elastic and breathable, and protect your knees from impacts
【Comfort and Safety】This knee pad features a soft core and durable EVA foam filling to provide comfortable cushioning to your knees. Heavy duty thick shield prevents scratches
【Use at home or at work】 Floor installation carpentry, industrial work, gardening, maintenance, cleaning, light construction, outdoor activities

title={Gardening Knee Pads, Knee Guards, Knee Protectors, Lightweight, Abrasion Resistant, Adjustable, Shock Absorption, Suitable for Gardening, Construction, Farm Work, Outdoor Work},
keywords={Drug Store, Drugstore - AmazonGlobal free shipping, Safety Kneepads},

SK11 Work Cushion Mat EVA Knee Mat SRS-201 Black
Kitchen SK11(エスケー11)
[Home Improvement Store ] [Safety Kneepads (13位)]
ASIN: EAN: 4977292299268
価格: ¥1,480 [New: 在庫あり。 (リバーロード2: 4.73点、966件)]
Use: Work cushion mat
Feature 1: Convenient mat for kneeling on hard and cold floor
Feature 2: EVA foam material with excellent elasticity reduces stress on the knees
Size: 20.1 x 8.3 x 1.2 inches (510 x 210
Material: EVA foam

title={SK11 Work Cushion Mat EVA Knee Mat SRS-201 Black},
keywords={Home Improvement Store, Safety Kneepads},

Knee Pads for All Occasions (Knee Pads Supervised by Professional Repairs) For Cleaning and Work, Knee Supporters, Both Knee Sets SuG, L
[Drug Store ] [Safety Kneepads (2位)]
ASIN: EAN: 4595120598033
価格: ¥1,780 [New: 在庫あり。 (suG store【適格請求書発行事業者】: 4.7点、123件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Over 10,000 total sales in the series. (2024.1 present) We are constantly evolving our products based on valuable feedback from our customers. The No.1 bullet pad is made with strict attention to the material and size, and it is more than 3 times more durable. (calculated by restoration rate) The Vol. 2. Velcro has been repeatedly tested for strength and is carefully selected from various manufacturers, resulting in a tensile strength of 1.4 times. This results in a product that will last longer than conventional products. We hope you can experience the superior performance. From the 2024.2.14 sale
SuG knee pads have undergone the supervision of THJAPAN Co., Ltd. in 15 years of residential repairing, renovation industry, and have a wide field of performance not only in Japan but abroad, so you can rest assured with feedback from hard sites
In partnership with CE and ISO certified factories to produce products that are safe and secure. The CE mark is a necessary mark for products sold in the EU market and proves that suG knee pads meet this standard
This suG knee brace is made of high quality EVA material that is used for sports shoes and the midsole is made of high quality elasticity, which is also used for the midsole of sports shoes, and has a finish that combines flexibility and elasticity
The strap part has excellent elasticity, and the Velcro is used to secure it, so it can be used by both men and women regardless of body type and body type. The interior is crimped with corrugated silicone to prevent slipping
It can be used for outdoor work, such as daily cleaning and nursing, as gardening, various DIY projects, and professional renovations
It is also suitable for indoor competitions such as ballet and badminton, and outdoor competitions such as futsal and survival games, so it can be used for its performance. The surface is punched for a comfortable and continuous use
✅ Can be washed even if it gets dirty with dirt, mud, or sweat. Not plastic or carbon pads, you can put it in a net and use the washing machine

title={Knee Pads for All Occasions (Knee Pads Supervised by Professional Repairs) For Cleaning and Work, Knee Supporters, Both Knee Sets SuG, L},
keywords={Drug Store, Safety Kneepads},

[Physical The Supervision] Knee Pads [Knee God Pro] Knee Protectors Knee Pads Set for Work Work Tokyo GT Trademark Application (L), Black
[Drug Store ] [Safety Kneepads (5位)]
ASIN: EAN: 4582771520148
価格: ¥1,680 [New: 在庫あり。 (東京GTストア: 4.66点、21件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Developed in collaboration with a Veteran Physical The: This knee pad was developed using the knowledge of veteran physical therapists over 10 years of field experience
(Extra thick padding for firm shock absorption) The high quality EVA pad is 0.8 inch (2 cm) thick which overwhelmingly exceeds other products. Durable and flexible for long hours of work. Designed for professional work
(Enhanced Anti-Slip and Prevents Slipping During Work) Our knee pads use reliable 3M Velcro tape and have W-shaped anti-slip treatment. It eliminates the problem of falling off with every move, and is fully compatible with bending and stretching
(Easy to Put on with Velcro) Adopts an excellent elastic material and Velcro type that can be easily worn by both children and adults, regardless of body shape and body type
(Excellent breathability and will not get stuffy even when used for a long time) Mesh material provides excellent breathability. No stuffiness and no odor, you can perform any work smoothly. Perfect for all types of tasks from cleaning, organizing and DIYing

title={[Physical The Supervision] Knee Pads [Knee God Pro] Knee Protectors Knee Pads Set for Work Work Tokyo GT Trademark Application (L), Black},
keywords={Drug Store, Safety Kneepads},

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商品カテゴリー: 洋書
ブラウズノード: 4296841051
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
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検索結果数: 100件以上
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
