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Sharp CV-EF120-W Plasmacluster 7000 Dehumidifier and Air Purifier, 3.2 gal (12 L), 195 sq. ft. (11 Tatami) / Air Purifier 266.8 sq. ft. (15 Tatami), White
Kitchen シャープ(SHARP)
[Dehumidifiers (1位)] [出産祝い ] [季節・空調家電 ] [【今だけ5%OFF】空気清浄機、AQUOS液晶テレビほか ] [理美容以外の本体 ]
ASIN: EAN: 4974019841670
価格: ¥31,261 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Size: 14.2 x 10.2 x 22.3 inches (360 x 260 x 565 mm)
Weight: Approx. 27.3 lbs (12.4 kg)
Power consumption: Maximum approx. 310W
Drainage tank capacity: 0.8 gal (3.1 L)
Dehumidification capacity: (50Hz/60Hz) 2.9/3.2 gal (11/12 L)/day
Air purifier applicable floor range: Approx. 266.8 square feet (24.9 m², 15 tatami)

Sharp Ion Generator with Plasmacluster 25000 In-Vehicle Use Black IG-GC15-B
Kitchen シャープ(SHARP)
[Home Air Ionizers (59位)] [季節・空調家電 ] [SHARP_イオン発生器・脱臭機 ] [【5%OFF】プラズマクラスター掃除機、ヘルシオジューサー、空気清浄機ほか ] [【今だけ5%OFF】空気清浄機、AQUOS液晶テレビほか ]
ASIN: EAN: 4974019833071
価格: ¥6,280 [Used(Very Good): 在庫あり。 (★お急ぎ便対応(翌日または地域により翌々日配達になります)★サバー堂: 4.74点、791件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Product Dimensions: 15.7 x 7.6 x 7.6 cm
Main Product Weight: ~0.28 kg
Car Adapter
Ion Application Area Estimate: ~3.6m³
Power Consumption: 1.9W on "standard" flow mode | Operational Volume: 29dB on "standard" flow mode

Sharp AQUOS BD-W1800 Blu-ray Recorder 1TB 2 Tuner
Electronics シャープ(SHARP)
[Blu-ray Recorders (79位)] [テレビ・レコーダーセール ] [CYBER MONDAY~テレビ・オーディオ・携帯電話アクセサリ~ ] [SHARP AQUOS ] [ブルーレイプレーヤー・レコーダー ]
リリース日: 2015-10-29 ASIN: EAN: 4974019854892
価格: ¥15,500 [Used(Very Good): 在庫あり。 (青狸商事【最短翌日発送】: 5点、3件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Hard Disk Capacity: 1TB
2 tuners
1. Industry first "Smartphone QR Code Display"
● Automatically converts the URL of the website for TV shows to a QR code
2. No more missing a new continuous drama series
Automatically lists new continuous drama and automatically records 4 weeks
3. Tatamaru keeps recorded videos visible and organized
Shows of the same title are displayed together in a folder, making it easy to find what you want to see
4. Understand the contents of the program
The contents of the recording program can be easily identified by the child screen
5. You can watch the recording program on your smartphone while on the go
6. Operate while watching 2 screens, allowing you to make appointments and edit while watching the show
7. User manual guide that can be seen on the screen when you have trouble
■ Body: Width 16.9 x Depth 9.3 x Height 2.3 inches (430 x 236 x 58 mm) Weight: Approximately 7.6 lbs (3

Sharp Aquos LC-40H30 40V LCD TV, Full High Definition, External HDD Compatible (Back Program Recording), 2 Screen Display, 2015 Model
Electronics シャープ(SHARP)
[Televisions (1337位)] [対象のテレビ・レコーダー購入でAmazonビデオクーポン990円プレゼント ] [Amazonビデオクーポン990円プレゼント 対象テレビ ] [【6,000円OFFも】シャープ AQUOS 4KテレビやブルーレイレコーダーがAmazonクーポンでお得(10/27まで) ] [【AQUOS】人気の4Kテレビ・BDレコーダーほか ]
リリース日: 2015-11-01 ASIN: EAN: 4974019857268
価格: ¥24,800 [Used(Very Good): 通常2~3日以内に発送します。 (かがり火: 4.78点、78件)]
LED type: Straight down type
Total Audio Output: 10W (5W + 5W)
2 x Digital Tuner: 2 x Terrestrial Digital and 2 x BS/CS Digital
USB-HDD Recording: Supports long-time HDD
2 Screen Display: Broadcast + External
Terminals: HDMI x 2 channels (24P/ARC compatible), PC input x 1, USB x 1
Power consumption: Approx. 80 W
Annual power consumption: 75 kwh/year
Energy saving achievement rate: 200%
■ Body: Width 36.2 x Depth 7.6 x Height 23.8 inches (92.6 x 19.3 x 60.2 cm) Weight: Approximately 25.3 lbs (11.5

シャープ 単機能 電子レンジ 西日本 60Hz専用 20L RE-T2-W6 ホワイト
Kitchen シャープ(SHARP)
[Countertop Microwave Ovens (77位)] [キッチン家電 ] [【今だけ5%OFF】空気清浄機、AQUOS液晶テレビほか ] [シャープ ヘルシオ(HEALSIO) ] [家電旧型モデル特集 ]
ASIN: EAN: 4974019741635
価格: ¥20,000 [Used(Good): 通常7~8日以内に発送します。 (カナビーストア: 4.93点、31件)]
Size: 18.1 x 14.4 x 10.8 inches (460 x 365
Weight: Approx. 26.6 lbs (12 kg)
Material: Steel plate
Country of Origin: Thailand
Power Supply: AC 100 V
Rated power consumption: 1,310 W
Rated frequency: 60 Hz (for hertz only)
Some products have a power supply frequency that can be used for appliances. Please make sure it can be used in your home power frequency before ordering. (Please contact your power company for the power frequency)
Storage Capacity: 6.6 gal (20 L)
Effective interior dimensions: W 11.8 x H 7.9 x D 13.2 inches (30 x 20 x 33

Sharp Superheated Vapor Toaster Oven 31L 2-Tier Cooking Red RE-SS10B-R
Kitchen シャープ(SHARP)
[Steam Ovens (69位)] [Microwaves with Oven & Grill (75位)] [キッチン家電 ] [【5%OFF】プラズマクラスター掃除機、ヘルシオジューサー、空気清浄機ほか ] [家電 サマーセール ]
ASIN: EAN: 4974019812489
価格: ¥28,980 [Used(Good): 在庫あり。 (バザール東京【中古家電・古物商許可証取得店】: 4.5点、14件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Product Dimensions: 490 x 445 x 370 mm
Weight: ~17g
Power Supply: AC 100 V (50/60 Hz)
Rated power consumption: Range 1,460 W, Oven 1,400 W, Grill 1,400 W
Accessories: 2 square plates (420 mm x 290 mm), steam cup, cookbook (instructions/recipies) | Number of sensors: 3 (absolute humidity / infrared / temperature)

キーワード: * ( キーワードなし一覧表示)
商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 4477053051
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
抽出: 指定なし

検索結果数: 6件
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
