Web Application Exclusive: This package is an application package that allows you to download an entry code that is free of charge when you apply to a low price smartphone mineo. Cannot be used for testing 200 MB course. We prohibit resale or transfer of entry code profit
With mineo, you can choose the data capacity and communication speed that suits your personal preference, so you can have a good deal for anything. ■My Pitas you choose based on basic data capacity: 4 courses (1GB, 5GB, 10GB, 20GB) ■ Choose between communication speeds: Unlimited data (up to 300kbps, up to 1.5Mbps, max 3Mbps)
There are over 600 types of devices that can be used with mineo. Of course, it is also compatible with the iPhone series
Supports au/docomo/SoftBank triple carriers so you can use your current device as it is
Support Mobile Phone Number Portability (MNP)
No minimum usage time. There are no expenses at the time of cancellation or excursion
The basic fees of each line are discounted every month with "Family Discounts" and "Multi-Line Discounts"