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Remote Control Wall Holder Fire TV Stick Remote Control Compatible 4K Max 4K HD Installation Easy Space Saving Minimalist Wall Storage Interior Storage Mount Screw Nail Wall Mount Holder Protective
Electronics Gadget Launcher
[TV Wall & Ceiling Mounts (100位)] [Wireless ]
価格: ¥1,280 [New: 在庫あり。 (Gadget Launcher)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Muted black color, PLAPlus material

TV Stand, Low Board, Back Storage, Low Type, Stylish, Large Capacity (150 Sizes, Mortar Gray)
[Television Stands (218位)] [Home Store ]
価格: ¥9,998 [New: 在庫あり。 (Modern deco: 4.24点、364件)]
Size (Approx.): 47.2 x 13.8 x 13.8 inches (120 x 35 x 29.5 cm); 150 x Width 59.1 x Depth 13.8 x Height 11.6 inches (150 x 35 x 29.5 cm)
Material | Particle board, MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), Printed Printed Fiberboard
Weight (Approximately) | Size 120: 39.5 lbs (19.5 kg), Size 150: 35.7 lbs (16.3 kg)
Load Capacity: Approx. 47.2 lbs (29 kg), Top Plate: Approx. 19.8 lbs (9 kg), Open Storage: Approx. 19.8 lbs (9 kg), Storage with Door: 19.2 lbs (36 kg), Open Storage: 25.3 lbs (11.5 kg), Storage with Door: 25.3 lbs (11.5 kg)
Product Warranty | If you buy from Modern deco, 3 months warranty from the date of delivery
Notes Before Purchasing: The color of the actual product may differ depending on your monitor. Design and specifications may change without prior notice

TV Stand, 7 Clear Seismic Intensity, Freestanding Type, Hide Wiring, Swing & Height Adjustment, TV Stand, Compatible with 32-70 V, Earthquakeproof, Fall Prevention, TV Stand, Freestanding, Low Type,
[Television Stands (417位)] [Electronics Store ]
価格: ¥9,780 [New: 在庫あり。 (Bindea)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
(Easy Assembly without Construction Required) Compatible sizes 32 - 70 V / Mounting screw set included / Diagram instruction manual included / Thick support without any construction required, allowing even amateurs to assemble and install it easily. Safe for beginners and women
【Freestanding Anywhere】 This is a living room that can be used in a variety of positions such as sitting on the floor, sitting on the couch, or lying on bed. The rotating TV stand allows you to easily change the position and dimension of the TV from any position in the room
6 Adjustable Height Levels: The height can be adjusted to 6 levels according to your room layout and TV size. A little change makes your TV easy to enjoy anywhere. The height of this set can be adjusted for easy viewing and it will help you cook from the kitchen or on the large screen
(Angle Adjustment of about 25° Left and Right): The angle can be adjusted to about 25° left and right. The base can be adjusted to a viewing angle without moving it. Angled to reduce reflections of light coming through your windows or make your TV more comfortable and easier to watch
Adjustable Height Shelves: Includes removable movable shelf. 4 adjustable height settings to match the height of the items you store. It is easy to place peripherals such as DVD players and game consoles, and it gives a neat look and feel to your room

TV Stand, Lowboard, TV Board, Width 59.1 inches (150 cm), Supports Up to 55 Types, TV Stand, TV Board, Drawer, Scandinavian Movable Shelf, Low Type, Living Alone, Large Space, Assembly, Stylish,
[Television Stands (114位)] [Home Store ]
価格: ¥7,980 [New: 在庫あり。 (shizinoyaメーカー直営店: 3.77点、90件)]
TV stand for 43-55 TVs. You can also set it up in free space in your room. Please be sure to check the size of the TV as different manufacturers have different sizes
The front plate has a horizontal lattice design. In addition, the lattice shape reduces pressure and gives a neat and tidy appearance without feeling too tight in the space
(Wide Room Visibility) Low type with a low height design. Even when watching TV for long periods of time, it is not easy to get tired of your eyes. If you like to lie down and watch TV, we recommend the low type
Store your CDs and DVDs and other small items in a 2 cup opening door to keep your room clean and tidy. Open space allows you to store decks or display your favorite miscellaneous items. In the back of the storage shelf, there is an easy wiring hole that allows you to wire your AV deck cords
[Product Specifications] Product External Dimensions (W x D x H): 59.1 x 15.7 x 11.0 inches (150 x 40Fits TVs up to 65" Weight: 50.9 lbs (24.6 kg). Load Capacity: 110.2 lbs (50Board Thickness: 16mm Material: Premium synthetic reinforced plywood. We offer a 1 year warranty for our products to ensure that you can use them for a long time. If the product you purchase is damaged due to manufacturing defects, please contact our store for more details

ローボード テレビ台 テレビボード 幅180cm 奥行40cm 75型対応 PVC化粧板&スチール製 大型テレビボード 開放式収納スペース ローボード tv台 棚 収納 スチール 防水 耐磨耗 客室/寝室/バルコニー用 アジャスター付き 組み立て式 ヴィンテージ (グレー 180cm) [並行輸入品]
[Television Stands (117位)] [Home Store ]
価格: ¥10,980 [New: 在庫あり。 (DONGYIYI: 5点、1件)]
【大画面テレビ対応の完璧なデザイン】 最大75インチのテレビに対応する180cmの長さ、40cmの幅を持つ広々としたデザインのローボードです。リビングルーム、寝室、バルコニーなど、さまざまな空間にぴったりフィットします。映画鑑賞やスポーツ観戦、ゲームなど、どんなシーンでも理想的な視角と高さを提供し、エンターテイメント体験をさらに向上させます。
【スタイリッシュで機能的な素材】 本製品はPVC木目調化粧板とスチールの異素材を組み合わせたテレビボードで、シンプルで現代的なデザインを実現しました。木目の自然な質感とスチールのモダンな印象が絶妙に調和し、どんなインテリアにもマッチします。また、防水性と耐摩耗性に優れており、日常使用での汚れや傷に強く、簡単にお手入れできます。
【便利なオープン収納】 オープン収納スペースを活用したローボードで、AV機器やゲーム機、リモコンなどをすっきりと収納できます。収納部分が開放的で取り出しやすく、リビングや寝室で整理整頓が簡単に行えます。また、脚部には調整機能があり、高さを調整することで、安定感を増し、掃除もしやすくなります。
【優れた耐荷重と掃除のしやすさ】 このテレビ台は最大100kgの耐荷重を誇り、重いテレビや他のアイテムにも安心して対応できます。高脚デザインにより、下部のスペースが広がり、掃除ロボットの通過もスムーズです。さらに、調整機能付きの脚部で、テレビボードの天板を平らに保つことができ、長期間使用しても安定感が損なわれません。
【耐久性抜群で簡単に組み立て可能】 高品質なPVC木目調化粧板とスチール構造を採用し、テレビボードとしての耐久性と安定性を確保しました。防水機能と防汚性に優れた天板は、簡単にお手入れが可能です。組み立ては簡単で、説明書が同梱されているため、届いたその日からすぐに設置できます。さらに、購入から6ヶ月間の保証があり、万が一不具合があれば迅速に対応いたします。

ZWSJLC TV Stand, High Type, Wall Mounting, VESA Standard Compatible, Height/Angle Adjustable, Load Capacity 44.1 lbs (20 kg), Freestanding, TV Stand, Black, Japanese Instruction Manual Included
[TV Wall & Ceiling Mounts (28位)] [Electronics Store ]
価格: ¥5,799 [New: 在庫あり。 (zw-jp: 4.58点、36件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
TV stand specifications: Size (approximate): Total length 51.2 - 66.1 inches (130 - 168 cm), Base 15.7 x 10.6 inches (40 x 27 cm), Weight (approximate): 14 - 43 inches, Load capacity: 44.1 lbs (200 x 100 x 200 mm)
Angle Adjustment: The angle can be adjusted up and down to 15°. Round tube in the middle can be rotated as you like. So you can adjust it to the most comfortable angle for viewing. It can meet different viewing points of viewing, not only in the living room, but in the kitchen or bedroom
(3 Levels of Height Adjustments) 51.2 - 66.1 inches (130 - 168 cm) to suit your eyes, and you can adjust the height of 3 levels. Whether you sit down, stand or lie down, you can fully meet your needs!
(Excellent Stability) The core material is made of high quality cold rolled steel, and the maximum load capacity is 44.1 lbs (20 kg). Large 15.7 x 10.6 inches (400 x 270 mm) thin and vertical base for stability
TV Stand: Easy to put on a wall-mounted TV with no construction required. It has a clean appearance and does not feel constricted so you can feel a wide room. Ergonomically designed for maximum freedom and eliminate unpleasant glare and reduce neck and eye fatigue

RASIK Luxen Luxen TV Stand, Corner Rest 43.3 inches (110 cm) Wide, 43 Type, Lowboard, Storage, Movable Shelf, Customer Assembly
[Television Stands (104位)] [Home Store ]
価格: ¥9,980 [New: 在庫あり。 (RASIK(ラシク): 4.3点、407件)]
This is a product page for the Corner TV Board "Greige" This product is self assembled. Please make sure you buy it
(Perfect Fit for Corner of a Room) Utilizes the corners of a room that tends to be dead spaces. Low style with low height: Approximately 12.6 inches (32 cm). The low style makes the room look wide and does not feel compressed
(Open Storage for Easy Accessibility) Open space for free storage of your favorite items. No drawers for easy access and free access. The shelf board can be adjusted with 3 levels of 1.3 inches (3.2 cm) pitch to match the items you store. Includes hidden storage door for storage: Both sides are equipped with doors. Also useful as a space to hide items that tend to be cluttered in your living room
Simple design and clean: The flat design does not overhang the handle. (Surface Material for Realistic Texture) The wood grain pattern sheet is embossed with a realistic texture. The luxurious feel will make your room look great
Not only for corners, but also for wall mounting: When you move or change the layout of your room you need to change it in a room

Sanwa Direct 100-PLD001 TV Stand, Tabletop, Compatible with 42-75 Inches, Load Capacity 110.2 lbs (50 kg), Wall Mounting, Oscillating, Height Adjustment, TV Stand, Low Type
[Television Stands (761位)] [Electronics Store ]
ASIN: EAN: 4969887197318
価格: ¥9,480 [New: 在庫あり。 (サンワサプライ直営【サンワダイレクト】★14時までの注文は国内から当日出荷★≪土日も出荷中≫: 4.67点、6100件)]
A tabletop TV stand that can be adjusted at 45 degrees left and right. Fits 42 to 75 displays (Display Load Capacity: 110.2 lbs (50
VESA Standard 100x100, 100x200, 100x300, 100x400, 200x100, 200x200, 200x300, 200x400, 300x100, 300x200, 300x4 00, 40 Fits 0x100, 400x200, 400x300, 400x400, 600x100, 600x200, 600x300, 600x400mm
Display height can be changed to 5 levels when assembled: 14.4 / 16.3 / 18.3 / 20.3 / 22.2 inches (365 / 415 / 465 / 515 / 565 mm). Heavy duty steel body with base
It saves space compared to standard factory stands. It is also convenient to replace your factory stand if it is damaged or lost
Cable clamps are standard equipped on the back of the post for clean wiring processing. It has a rubber pad that will not damage the ground and can be used as a non-slip surface
Warranty period: Only initial defects

WNJQBY TV Wall Mount Bracket Arm for 32 - 80 Inch LCD, Large, Front & Right & Left & Down Multi Angle Adjustable 90° Movable, Full Motion Wall Mount TV, VESA Standard Up to 23.6 x 15.7 inches (600 x
[TV Wall & Ceiling Mounts (128位)] [N&N_Gadget_9999 ] [Electronics Store ]
価格: ¥8,999 [New: 在庫あり。 (WNJQBY - JP: 4.82点、29件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Universal TV Stand: Please check your TV's VESA weight, and size specifications before purchasing. 1, TV size from 32" to 80". 2, The weight of the TV and TV accessories is within 60KG. 3, Screw hole spacing on back of TV: Width 200-600mm, Height 200-400mm Wall Mount TV Hardware Arm Mount VESA 200x200mm, 300x200mm, 300x300mm, 400x400mm, 400x300mm, 400x200mm, 500x200mm, 500x300mm, 500x400mm, 600x30mm 00mm, 6 Compatible with 00X400mm
MOVABLE WALL MOUNTED TV ARM: Up and down, left and right, front and back can be adjusted to fit your desired angle and position, can be swiveled from left to right 90° for the most comfortable viewing angle (maximum rotation angle depends on TV size) Reduce glare and adjust TV orientation to suit your viewing position for comfortable viewing in different occasions
REINFORCED TV WALL MOUNT: The swivel TV wall mount is made of reinforced cold-rolled steel. With only the reinforcement material, the performance on the load surface is particularly good, providing a strong support limit of over 132.2 lbs (60 kg) for large TVs and can be mounted securely on the wall
Stable and shockproof TV wall mounting: This TV wall mount bracket also has a firm double hook and hook bottom anti-drop design to increase stability. (Applicable wall types: wood studs, concrete walls, brick walls. Note: Do not install on drywall or gypsum board only! Do not use anchors for wood studs). Wall mounted for a clean look
EASY TV WALL MOUNT: This bracket is quick and easy. All necessary parts are included and an easy-to-follow Japanese instruction manual is included. Even beginners can install in minutes and enjoy TV with confidence
Quality assurance: Thanks for your care,your shopping experience is always the most important to us. If you encounter any problem in the process of using this product, please don't hesitate to contact us immediately, we will reply you within 24 hours and we will solve the problem

RASIK TV Stand, Lowboard, Extendable, Width 29.5 - 52.4 inches (75 - 133 cm), Brown, Open, Storage, Corner Type, Layout, Freely, Customer Assembly, Aureva
[Television Stands (167位)] [Home Store ]
価格: ¥5,980 [New: 在庫あり。 (RASIK(ラシク): 4.3点、407件)]
This is a telescopic TV board (29.5 inches (75 cm) wide brown). This product is self assembled. Please make sure you buy it
(Can be freely transformed to fit your room) Extendable / Angle adjustable / Top plate can be installed on left and right side. Flexible TV stand allows you to freely layout with the room
Arrange Open Storage: You can freely arrange it with the open storage. A convenient TV stand that allows you to use the storage space. (Open Back for Easy Wiring) No cords that tend to get messy, so you can easily wire. In addition, it does not trap heat from your equipment
Height Design for Easy TV Viewing: Height is about 15.7 inches (40 cm). Designed to be easy to watch TV from the sofa or the floor, and it is designed to be a height that prevents fatigue. (Surface Material for Realistic Texture) The wood grain pattern sheet is embossed with a realistic texture. The luxurious feel will make your room look great
Styling image: Not only can it be used as a TV stand, but also a variety of uses. Use as a living board / as a makeup space

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ブラウズノード: 5341898051
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検索結果数: 100件以上
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
