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Black Garlic, Aomori Fukuchi White 6 Pieces Garlic, 100% Used, 17.6 oz (500 g), Aged, Additive-free, Black Garlic [Phantom Black Brand]
[Fresh Garlic (3位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
ASIN: EAN: 4571593650089
価格: ¥3,480 (¥7 / グラム) [New: 在庫あり。 (【公式】黒にんにく専門店GENKOKU: 4.74点、164件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Sugar content approximately 140°F (60°C). This is a great value for the "magical garlic" that is just like ripe fruit. It contains grains such as shapes, irregularities, peeling, and a little small, but the tastiness and nutrition will not change
Made with carefully selected ingredients grown from organic fertilizers by contract farmers in Nambu town Aomori Prefecture, Fukuchi White 6 types of Mecca Radiation and residual pesticides (213 items inspection) are undetected, ensuring peace of mind and safety. The highest quality garlic grown in the snow is a large piece of garlic and is rich with nutrition and rich taste
By aging with special ceramic far-infrared radiation using state-of-the-art fermenter, it produces less eggling and more effective full-fermented black garlic. Luxurious black garlic that brings out the taste and nutrients to the limits of each capsule
No water or preservatives. The garlic is fermented using only the moisture of the garlic, so there is no drip or strong odor. No cooking or washing is required, just peel off the peeling
Functional ingredients that are beneficial for beauty and health, S-arylcysteine and polyphenols are abundant than white garlic, and contain asparaginic acid and essential amino acids. It does not irritate the stomach and has no strong smell, so you can eat it every day
The "Canape" is made with cream cheese and magical garlic on the cracker. It can also be used to accompany drinks or treat your kids. If you are concerned about the acidity, please use with milk or soy milk. Can be used for salads, omelets, curries, pastas, and many more

Aomori Prefecture Ome with Cool Bin, 4.4 lbs (2 kg)
[Fresh Plums (3位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥3,899 (¥2 / グラム) [New: 通常4~5日以内に発送します。 (青い森の店2号店: 3.91点、34件)]
It is 4.4 lbs (2 kg) of small to medium blue plum from Aomori Prefecture. The breed is Bungo (apple). Can be used for a variety of purposes

Ebine's Potatoes, Excellent Product, Large Size, 22.0 lbs (10 kg), Makeup Queen, Toya, Baron, Chiba, Hokkaido, Hokkaido, Chiba, Domestic Vegetables, Potatoes, New Potatoes, Wintering, Baron Potato,
[Fresh Russet Potatoes (1位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥2,209 (¥0 / グラム) [New: 在庫あり。 (えびねの多菜生活: 3.92点、189件)]
【JA品質の自信 – 日本の自然が生み出す極上のジャガイモ】 日本国内で栽培されたジャガイモは、JA(農協)品質の自信を持ってお届けします。寒冷な気候と豊富な土壌が生み出す極上の品質は、独自の風味と食感をもたらします。JA品質の証である当商品は、お料理において最高の素材となることです。
【M~ Lサイズの贅沢な存在感 – 大きく、美味しさも満点 】M~ Lサイズの国産ジャガイモは、その存在感と共に贅沢な味わいをお届けします。大きなサイズがもたらす食べ応えと、芋の甘みが調理において一層引き立ちます。お料理に迫力と美味しさを加えたい方に最適なサイズです。
【メークイン】 淡い黄色から淡い褐色の皮を持ち、淡い黄色の肉質です。全体的に小ぶりで形も比較的丸い傾向があります。 風味と口当たり: メークインは比較的滑らかな食感を持ち、程よい甘さがあります。そのため、フライドポテトや焼き芋など、甘いものに向いています。 用途: 小ぶりなサイズと滑らかな質感から、フライドポテトやポテトチップス、焼き芋などに利用されることが一般的です。
【男爵】男爵は淡い黄色から浅い赤色の皮を持ち、淡い黄色の肉質です。全体的に大ぶりで形も比較的整った形状があります。 風味と口当たり: 男爵は比較的乾燥しており、サクサクとした食感があります。味わいは均衡しており、メークインよりも甘さが控えめです。 用途: 大ぶりなサイズとサクサクとした食感から、ポテトサラダやじゃがバター、揚げ物などに利用されることが一般的です。
【保存方法】 通気性のある袋やバスケットに保存: 土豆は通気性があり、暗く涼しい場所で保存するのが適しています。通気性のある袋やバスケットに入れ、直射日光の当たらない場所で保存しましょう。 湿度の管理: 土豆は高湿度の環境ではすぐに腐敗しやすいです。保存する場所が湿度が高い場合は、湿気取りを使用するか、通気性のある袋で保管することが重要です。 暗所で保存: 土豆は光に敏感で、明るい場所では緑色に変わりやすくなります。直射日光の当たらない、暗い場所で保存してください。 適切な温度: 土豆は冷蔵庫に保存するよりも、10〜15℃の涼しい場所が適しています。極端な寒さや暑さから守ることが重要です。
【ジャガイモの楽しみ方】 おいしいジャガバター: 国産ジャガイモの美味しさをそのまま楽しむなら、じゃがバターがおすすめです。蒸してバターと混ぜ、一口食べれば、国産の大地の味が広がります。 ジャガコロッケのサクサク感: 男爵やメークインを使用したジャガコロッケは、外はサクサク、中はほくほくとした食感がたまりません。揚げると香ばしい香りが広がり、一度食べたらやみつきになること間違いなし! 贅沢なじゃがステーキ: 大きなサイズのジャガイモを使ったジャガステーキは、贅沢な一皿。スライスして焼き、特製のソースで味わうと、驚きの美味しさが広がります。
●内容量:5KG  ●厳選等級:JA秀品 ●品種:男爵或はメークイン 旬の季節種類任せる ●産地:国産 茨城 千葉 長崎 北海道 旬の野菜 産地が任せる ●規格:M~ Lサイズ。●梱包方法産地箱などで梱包してお届けいたします。常温発送

Hakkoda Farm Co., Ltd. Fukuchi White 6 Pieces Garlic, Roses Produced in Aomori Prefecture, 17.6 oz (500 g)
[Fresh Garlic (17位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥1,200 (¥1,200 / 袋) [New: 在庫あり。 (株式会社八甲田農場: 4.62点、25件)]
6 types of white garlic cloves produced in Aomori Prefecture
Great value garlic for home use. Recommended for commercial use
It may vary in appearance and size, but the contents are comparable to garlic on the market
Packed with net garlic in carton
Ships directly from our refrigerator, temperature regulated
Contents: 500 g rose
Upon arrival, open and wrap it in dry newspaper, store it in the fridge or freezer

Aomori Prefecture Ome with Cool Bin, 11.0 lbs (5 kg)
[Fresh Plums (5位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥7,899 (¥2 / グラム) [New: 通常4~5日以内に発送します。 (青い森の店2号店: 3.91点、34件)]
It is made from small to medium blue plum from Aomori Prefecture. The breed is Bungo (apple). Can be used for a variety of purposes

MSKSHOP Sweet Sweet Sweet Koharuka Beniazuma Red Azuma 11.0 lbs (5 kg), Produced in Ibaraki Prefecture, Large Capacity, Sweet Potato, Sweet Potato (With Translation, 11.0 lbs (5 kg)
[Fresh Sweet Potatoes (3位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥2,480 (¥2,480 / 個) [New: 在庫あり。 (MSKショップ: 4.6点、97件)]
Size M: The most convenient size that is perfect for roasted potatoes. The breed will be silk sweet or red farther or red azuma. Please note that we cannot specify this product
(Grade A Silk Sweet M Size) Wherever the sugar content is about 14.2°F (6.9°C), silk sweet has a sugar content of about 18.4°F (8.8°C), making it a breed that feels sweet
(Grade A Haruka M Size) The sugar content is at 140°F (60°C) when used with a strong sweetness of sweet potatoes
(Subtle Products) The large size sweet potato is about 24.3 - 39.4 oz (700 - 1,000 g) per bottle. The large size makes this product an affordable item, but it is also the finest quality of a grade. It is rare as it is not available in the supermarketplace
Storage Method: Sweet potato is basically stored at room temperature. If you leave it in a well-ventilated place without sunlight, it will last for a month of time
※In the event that the product is defective, please contact us within 24 hours after the product arrives. We will check the contents of the product and accept returns and exchanges. Since it is a fresh product, please contact us after receiving it within 24 hours. We appreciate your understanding

Ebine's Vegetable Life Tomato, Excellent Item, L & M Size, 6-10 Ball Pack, 4.4 lbs (2 kg), Tomato Juice, Vegetables, Home Cooking, Commercial Use, (4.4 lbs (2 kg) Excellent Item)

[Fresh Tomatoes (1位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥1,499 (¥1 / グラム) [New: 通常2~3日以内に発送します。 (えびねの多菜生活: 3.92点、189件)]
Tomato History: Tomatoes are originally originated from South America and were passed to Europe in the 16th century. In Japan, it was first introduced in the Edo period, but it was first introduced as an ornamental plant. The spread of food has began after the Meiji era. In the Meiji era, the breed improvements were improved according to the climate and soil of Japan, and tomatoes became a common place for dinners. After the war, the demand of tomatoes has increased health orientation due to high nutritional value. By improving Japanese agricultural technology and introducing greenhouse cultivation, tomatoes are possible throughout the four seasons, and new varieties and cultivation methods have been researched and developed. The tomatoes are also cultivated by different regions and connected to organizations such as JA (agricultural cooperation) to provide high-quality tomatoes
[National Production Status] The current production of tomatoes in Japan is done nationwide. Tomatoes are cultivated primarily during the summer, but they are produced throughout the year by using heating and cooling facilities and greenhouses. Tomatoes are produced according to the region's specific climate and soil conditions from Hokkaido to Kyushu. In particular, greenhouse cultivation is common, and by controlling temperature and humidity, it is possible to produce high quality tomatoes
Seasonal Fun: Spring: Spring-inspired tomatoes with sweetness. Perfect for salads ☀️ Summer: Juicy and refreshing summer tomatoes. Delicious to eat raw Autumn tomatoes: Enjoy the deeper taste of autumn tomatoes. Recommended for simmered dishes. ❄️ Winter: Greenhouse cultivation tomatoes deliver delicious taste even in cold weather
【How to Choose Delicious Tomatoes】First, you will see if there is a vibrant, uniform color in the appearance, and if there are no wrinkles or scratches. It is slightly soft to the touch and uniform elasticity is ideal. Scent is also important, so we will check if you have a good fragrance or a rich smell. The stems are also fresh and green. Please check if the shape is aligned and uneven mature
Storage Method: First, it is suitable for refrigeration, but tomatoes will grow better if they are aged at room temperature before freezing. Leave unripe tomatoes until they become soft at room temperature and then store them in the refrigerator. Ripe tomatoes are stored in refrigeration and put in plastic bags or plastic containers to seal the flavor without damaging them. However, it is important to use it as soon as tomatoes will lose its flavor if left in the fridge for a long time. It can be stored frozen, so if you pre-cut and freeze it, it's convenient for cooking. Remove damaged parts and stems before storage, and keep them clean and enjoy their fresh taste for longer
Tomato Cooking: In Japanese home cooking, tomatoes are widely used and add color and flavor to a variety of dishes. One of the most common household dishes is "tomato boiled (tomato)". Slice tomatoes evenly and cook with other ingredients like onions, poultry or fish. By boiling it, the sweetness and sour of tomatoes will blend into other ingredients, resulting in a rich soup. This dish is generally seasoned with seasonings such as soy sauce, miso, sugar, and more for a flavorful finish. Tomatoes are also commonly used as "tomato salad". Cut small tomatoes together with vegetables such as cucumber and lettuce, and they are chilled in salad sauce to create a rich and refreshing salad. Occasionally you may add cheese, broiled eggs, seafood, etc., to enhance the level. This cool dish is especially popular in the summer season and is often found in Japanese homes
[Contents] Tomatoes. Grade: JA Selected Excellent Product Size: L Size: Weight: 10.9 lbs (4.5 kg). Please note: We will deliver tomatoes that are selected for each season and place of production. Our tomatoes are sourced from different sources for each season, so you can enjoy the fresh, delicious taste. Enjoy the flavor of the seasons such as spring tomatoes grown in the cool climate of Hokkaido, the finest summer tomatoes that grow in the southern country of Kyushu, the central and Kansai fall tomatoes, and the luxurious winter tomatoes grown in Hokkaido. Feel the Japanese terrain through fresh and safe tomatoes. "

Broccoli Sprout, 1.0 fl oz (30 ml), Seeds, Seeds, Broccoli, Breeding, Broccoli, Hay Fever, Countermeasure Pollen, Hangover, Pollen Fever, Vegetables, Cooking, Home Garden, Hay Fever, Reiwa
[Home Store ] [Fresh Daikon Sprouts (1位)] [野菜 ] [8Test1 ] [サラダ野菜 ]
価格: ¥980 [New: 在庫あり。 (FOODSELECT: 4.53点、115件)]
Volume: 1.0 fl oz (30
Sheet Contents: Broccoli
Germination rate 80%: Approx

Rus Super Fry Powder, Ras Potato Powder, 2.2 lbs (1 kg), Powder, Commercial Use, Long Potatoes, Includes Original Recipe (1 kg (1 kg)
[Fresh Russet Potatoes (3位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥2,380 (¥2,380 / 袋) [New: 在庫あり。 (しあわせ本舗(安心発送): 4.8点、186件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
The raw potatoes are authentic Venche seeds from the Netherlands and feature a whopping texture and moderate sweetness and flavor
Since it can be stored at room temperature, you just need to stock it up and make it a great item when you don't have enough snacks or rice
1 bag that is gentle on your wallet to make about 6.6 lbs (3 kg) of french for 20 people
Even without a dedicated tool (masher), you can easily see the included original recipes
We do not offer individual packaging to ensure a low price

Hokkaido, Tokachi, Inca Awakening, 11.0 lbs (5 kg), Non-standard Soil, Potatoes, Potatoes, Potatoes, Soft Potatoes, Curry, Meat Potatoes, French Fries, New Year's Day, Souvenir, Gift, Present (11.0
[Fresh Russet Potatoes (2位)] [野菜 ] [定期おトク便 OLS Browse Test ] [あわせ買い ] [食品 ]
価格: ¥1,980 (¥1,980 / 袋) [New: 通常4~5日以内に発送します。 (サンキ ネットショップ: 3.87点、71件)]
Have you ever heard the name of the "Incense Fet" Have you ever eaten it? If you have ever enjoyed it, you would like to say it as a one of the medium potato tsu. It is so delicious that most people will fall in love with it once they consume it, and it will be repeated!
It is as sweet as sweet as a sweet sweet sweet sweet treat
Compared to normal potatoes with the texture of a chestnut. The "Inca Mezame" is a characteristic of its vibrant, yellow color, and depending on the flavor of chestnut or sweet potatoes. It is also known as "nuty potatoes" and "butter potatoes" in Europe and America due to its rich taste
This is an affordable product. There may be cases where cavities may be formed in the potato due to uneven shape, scratches or large sizes. Please be aware of this before purchasing

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商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 5378512051
「在庫なし」の表示: OFF
抽出: 指定なし

検索結果数: 100件以上
並び方: 関連度順
表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
