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SANEI PS30-353 Shower Holder, Suction Cup Holder Strong Vacuum Suction Cup Plating, Easy Installation
Tools & Home Improvement SANEI(旧社名:三栄水栓製作所)
[Bathroom Installation & Mounting Kits (1位)] [DIY・工具ストア Winter Sale レジ前割引セール ] [シャワー ] [【5%以上OFF】DIY・工具・ガーデン用品 法人価格 | Amazonビジネス ] [SANEI 水回り品クーポン ]
ASIN: EAN: 4973987649271
価格: ¥1,656 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Shower holder + lever-type suction cup so you can change it anywhere you want. Vacuum suction cup
Luxurious metallic look Change the atmosphere of your bath
(Where to attach): Smooth and glossy surfaces (tiles larger than suction cups, clear glass, mirror, enamel, metal painted surface, glossy plastic)
(Where it cannot be placed): Uneven and non-glossy surfaces (uneven tile, plastic, stainless steel), scratched surfaces, wooden walls, plaster, mortar, glazed glass, wallpaper
[Installation Instructions] 1: Please check if the surface is compatible. The mounting surface is flat and there is no scratches, bumps, or dirt. 2: Wipe the mounting surface clean with a damp cloth. 3: Clean the suction cup surface with water. Drain water without wiping the suction cup surface with a cloth. 4: Press the suction cup firmly against the wall and turn the lever clockwise to fix it. Please see back of package for more details. Stops at 90° once but rotate to lock it until the end
Load Capacity: 2.2 lbs (1.0 kg); If the suction cup is difficult to attach, please purchase the special Super Supplementary Board (PP780-110)

SANEI PS350-80XA-MW2 Shower Head, Large Shower Plate, Made in Japan, Large Water Volume, White
Tools & Home Improvement SANEI(旧社名:三栄水栓製作所)
[Handheld Showerheads (32位)] [シャワー ] [SANEI シャワーヘッド ] [【5%以上OFF】DIY・工具・ガーデン用品 法人価格 | Amazonビジネス ] [SANEI 水回り品クーポン ]
ASIN: EAN: 4973987648038
価格: ¥2,736 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
1 year from purchase, if the product malfunctions within the warranty period due to normal use based on the matt, please consult the manufacturer directly
(Generous and Luxurious Bath) The large shower board allows you to pour a wide range of water from the shower board
Reduced Water Drip: This product is achieved by thinning the thickness of the shower head
(Stronger against the skin) Provides a firm shower experience
(Can be installed on each manufacturer) Comes with 3 adapters to fit most manufacturers
Some products that can be installed as is from Sanei, Toto, Lixil (Inax) balance cookers, KAKUDAI, TBC, YUKO, Missani, MYM). The manufacturer can be installed with the included adapter (KVK, MYM, Thick Hose), Gaster (Tokyo Gas), LIXIL (INAX) balance kettle and Rinnai products
Manufacturer that can be installed with adapter (sold separately) (part number PT250-9) [some Rinnai products, some products of Mizthani, Noritz and Osaka gas (if it cannot be installed asis)
Easy to install: Just turn it on and off without any tools

SANEI PS303-CTMA-CD Shower Head Hose Set, Rainy, Water Saving, Hand Stop, Ultra-fine Water Flow, Plated
Tools & Home Improvement SANEI(旧社名:三栄水栓製作所)
[Handheld Showerheads (124位)] [ホーム&キッチン サマーセール 掃除・バス・洗濯用品 ] [10%OFF ] [シャワーヘッド_春プチ ] [シャワー ]
ASIN: EAN: 4973987649530
価格: ¥6,527 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
The ultra-fine straight water flow from the stainless steel shower board is finely detailed and dense for a shower
With low water pressure, you can power up your shower with a strong skin even in places where there is no momentum
Since the area is large enough to fill up with hot water, you can wash it efficiently with a little warm water
Comes with a handy stop function that is convenient when you want to stop a little or save water
Shower Head and Shower Hose Set

SANEI(旧社名:三栄水栓製作所)キッチンの蛇口シャワー シャワー・泡沫切替可能 M22×1.25 節水35% PM252-13 本体サイズ(約):幅6.6Φ×高さ4.8cm
Tools & Home Improvement SANEI(旧社名:三栄水栓製作所)
[Sink Supplies (977位)] [生活応援セール第2弾 10%OFF ホーム&キッチン ] [梅雨対策おすすめ家電・器具 ] [Kitchen Sink Installation Parts (134位)] [シャワー ]
ASIN: EAN: 4973987800603
価格: ¥1,961 [New: 在庫あり。 (No.1 price: 4.77点、426件)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
Turn it to switch flow water: You can switch between straight and shower every 90 degrees by turning the main unit
The finely chunky shower is suitable for rinsing and prep cleaning in the dishwasher. The straight water flow is foamed water that is difficult to splash
The foam can be removed and cleaned. When the water is low, the foam can be removed with pliers
Approximately 35% water saving effect (when using the included decompression core)
Can be installed on most domestic manufacturers foam
Made in Japan

SANEI CS3062-80XAA-D Mist Stop Shower Head, Face Wash, Pore Stain Remover, Hand Stop,
Tools & Home Improvement SANEI(旧社名:三栄水栓製作所)
[Handheld Showerheads (78位)] [パントリー スキンケア・ボディケア ] [Amazonパントリー ] [10%OFF ] [シャワーヘッド_春プチ ]
ASIN: EAN: 4973987648861
価格: ¥5,148 [New: 在庫あり。 (Amazon.co.jp)]
[ : Amazon発送][ : 送料無料][ : Prime会員対応]
1 year from purchase, if the product malfunctions within the warranty period due to normal use based on the matt, please consult the manufacturer directly
Shower Head aims to beautify your skin: Facial cleansing residue that causes skin problems with facial lines. The mist water particulates emitted from the screwed shower holes wash away dirt and grime
Reduces the burden on your skin: The habit of wiping up makeup with cotton puts a lot of strain on your skin. The mist shower has about 1/2 of the pressure on the cheek. It does not put strain on your skin, and can be cleaned with just water pressure
(Human Skin Temperature) Reduces water temperature than conventional showers and provides the perfect temperature for your face. If you wash your face with a temperature of human skin, it will not cause dry skin
Stopping Function: You can control the water flow and stop the shower at hand, so you can control it immediately when you want to stop or take it out
Water Saving Effect: This shower head can save approximately 21,700 yen per year. (Gas Cost: Approx. 13,900 yen)
This product also includes pink, green, and gray. Product Number: PS3062-80XA
Compatible with most manufacturers: Other than Sanei, TOTO, LIXIL (INAX) balance kettles, KAKUDAI, TBC, YUKO, Mittani, MYM manufacturers, which can be attached with the included adapter, KVK, MYM (thick hose) *Manufacturer that can be installed with an adapter sold separately. Tani Noritz Some products of Osaka gas (if they cannot be installed asis)

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商品カテゴリー: すべてのカテゴリー
ブラウズノード: 7979928051
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検索結果数: 5件
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表示ページ: 1 (1件目~10件目)
